github refinedev/refine @refinedev/core@4.18.0

Minor Changes

  • #4430 cf07d59587f Thanks @aliemir! - Added queryMeta and mutationMeta properties to the useForm hook. These properties are used to pass specific meta values to the query or mutation. This is useful when you have overlapping values in your data provider's getOne and update methods. For example, you may want to change the method of the mutation to PATCH but if you pass it in the meta property, you'll end up changing the method of the getOne request as well.

    queryMeta and mutationMeta has precedence over meta. This means that if you have the same property in queryMeta and meta, the value in queryMeta will be used.


    import { useForm } from "@refinedev/core";
    export const MyEditPage = () => {
        const form = useForm({
            // this is passed both to the mutation and the query requests
            meta: {
                myValue: "myValue",
            // this is only passed to the query request
            queryMeta: {
                propertyOnlyWorksForQuery: "propertyOnlyWorksForQuery",
            // this is only passed to the mutation request
            mutationMeta: {
                propertyOnlyWorksForMutation: "propertyOnlyWorksForMutation",

Patch Changes

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