github refinedev/refine @refinedev/cli@2.11.0

Minor Changes

  • #4904 b1ab9a23520 Thanks @alicanerdurmaz! - feat: added add command to add new features to the project
    Now you can add a new provider or resource to the project using the command npm run refine add <arg>.

    • npm run refine add resource posts: will add a new resource to the project with the name posts.
    • npm run refine add auth: will add a new auth provider to the project.
    • npm run refine add data: will add a new data provider to the project.
    • npm run refine add live: will add a new live provider to the project.
    • npm run refine add access-control: will add a new access control provider to the project.
    • npm run refine add audit-log: will add a new audit log provider to the project.
    • npm run refine add i18n: will add a new i18n provider to the project.
    • npm run refine add notification: will add a new notification provider to the project.

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