github refinedev/refine @refinedev/antd@5.11.0

Minor Changes

  • #4194 8df15fe0e4e Thanks @alicanerdurmaz! - feat: sorters.mode prop added to useTable and useDataGrid hooks. This prop handles the sorting mode of the table. It can be either server or off.

    • "off": sorters are not sent to the server. You can use the sorters value to sort the records on the client side.
    • "server": Sorting is done on the server side. Records will be fetched by using the sorters value.

    feat:filters.mode prop added to useTable and useDataGrid hooks. This prop handles the filtering mode of the table. It can be either server or off.

    • "off": filters are not sent to the server. You can use the filters value to filter the records on the client side.
    • "server": Filtering is done on the server side. Records will be fetched by using the filters value.

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