github refinedev/refine @refinedev/altogic@4.1.0

Minor Changes

  • Thanks @aliemir, @alicanerdurmaz, @batuhanW, @salihozdemir, @yildirayunlu, @recepkutuk!

    • metaData prop is now deprecated for all data provider methods. Use meta prop instead.

      For backward compatibility, we still support metaData prop with refine v4.

      create: async ({
      -    metaData
      +    meta
      }) => {
    • sort, hasPagination, and metaData parameters of getList method are now deprecated. Use sorters, pagination, and meta parameters instead.

      For backward compatibility, we still support sort, hasPagination and metaData props with refine v4.

      getList: async ({
      -    sort
      +    sorters
      -    hasPagination
      +    pagination: { mode: "off" | "server | "client" }
      -    metaData
      +    meta
      }) => {
  • Thanks @aliemir, @alicanerdurmaz, @batuhanW, @salihozdemir, @yildirayunlu, @recepkutuk!
    Moving to the @refinedev scope 🎉🎉

    Moved to the @refinedev scope and updated our packages to use the new scope. From now on, all packages will be published under the @refinedev scope with their new names.

    Now, we're also removing the refine prefix from all packages. So, the @pankod/refine-core package is now @refinedev/core, @pankod/refine-antd is now @refinedev/antd, and so on.

Patch Changes

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