github refinedev/refine @pankod/refine-mui@3.34.0

Minor Changes

  • Updated useDataGrid hook with hasPagination to enable/disable pagination.


    Updated the useDataGrid accordingly to the changes in the useTable of @pankod/refine-core. hasPagination property is being send directly to the useTable of @pankod/refine-core to disable pagination.

    Use Cases

    In some data providers, some of the resources might not support pagination which was not supported prior to these changes. To handle the pagination on the client-side or to disable completely, users can set hasPagination to false.

Patch Changes

  • Fixed <Link> usage in packages.

    - <Link href={route} to={route}>
    -    {label}
    - </Link>
    + <Link to={route}>{label}</Link>

    We used to have to pass href and to for Next.js and React applications, now we just need to pass to. refine router providers handle for us.

  • Updated dependencies []:

    • @pankod/refine-core@3.36.0

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