github refinedev/refine @pankod/refine-inferencer@1.2.0

Minor Changes

  • #3027 177d0a764fe Thanks @aliemir! - Initial release of the Inferencer package.

    This package provides series of components per each UI integration to generate list, show and edit pages for your resources. The fields and their representation are inferred from your resource's API response. Code is generated and presented with a preview and option to copy and edit in your project.

    Note: It's highly advised to only use this package in development environments. While generating the sample code, multiple requests are made to the API and the result might not be the best application for your data.


    Components for UI integrations are exported in sub directories. For example, to use the components for Ant Design integration, you can import them like this:

    import {
    } from "@pankod/refine-inferencer/antd";

    After importing the component, you can directly use it in <Refine/> component's resources prop.

                name: "posts",
                list: AntdListInferencer,
                show: AntdShowInferencer,
                edit: AntdEditInferencer,

    Tip: Relation data is only handled if the resource is present in the resources array. For example, if you have a posts resource with a users relation, you need to add users resource to the resources array as well. Otherwise, inferencer will try to show the relation data as a simple field like string or a number.

Patch Changes

  • #3064 27df262dd0a Thanks @aliemir! - Added undefined check for date field values in @pankod/refine-inferencer/antd's EditInferencer component to prevent setting it to current date when it's not provided.

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