github refinedev/refine @pankod/refine-core@3.56.4

Patch Changes

  • Fix useCan hook params keys.

    Since react-query stringifies the query keys, it will throw an error for a circular dependency if we include React.ReactNode elements inside the keys.
    The feature in #2220(#2220) includes such change and to fix this, we need to remove icon property in the resource

  • Updated <Refine/> component with memoization to prevent unwanted effects.

    • Fixed the issue: react-query's queryClient was re-initializing on every render which was causing it to reset the query cache.
    • Memoized the notificationProvider prop to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
    • Memoized the resources prop to prevent unnecessary transform calls on every render.
    • Fixed Browser back navigation is broken with syncWithLocation and paginated useTable - #2276
    • Updated push and replace args of useNavigation

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