github redromnon/HeroicBashLauncher v2.2.2
Version 2.2.2

latest releases: v3.2.5, v3.2.4, v3.2.3...
2 years ago

Two New Features have been added - Flatpak support and Syncing Heroic games with Steam!

A few more bug-fixes...

Bug Fixes:

  • Forgot to replace 'debian-installation' with 'steam' path in write operation that prevented games from being added to Steam - #18
  • Fixed bug that skipped numbers in games' launch script names (Like RiseoftheTombRaider20YearCelebration)

New Note for AppImage and Flatpak users

AppImage users no longer need to specify alternative binaries in the Heroic app (they can if they want to) or keep Heroic running anymore!
Moreover, AppImage and Flatpak Heroic users are required to download the respective AppImage/ files.

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