github redisson/redisson redisson-3.13.4

3 years ago

Feature - batch support for revRank, getScore, addAndGetRevRank methods added to RScoredSortedSet object (thanks to @johnou)
Feature - RRateLimiter.setRate method added (thanks to @AbhishekChandrasekaran)
Feature - RObject.getIdleTime() method added
Feature - RKeys.getKeysWithLimit() method added

Fixed - RRateLimiter.availablePermits() method throws exception (regression since 3.13.3)
Fixed - compatibility with Spring Data Redis 2.3.3
Fixed - UnsupportedOperationException is thrown if Spring Data Redis connection executed in pipelined mode
Fixed - multiple Tomcat requests share different instances stored in the same session in readMode=REDIS
Fixed - Spring Data Redis can't be used with proxied RedissonClient instance
Fixed - Classloading issues when MarshallingCodec used in Tomcat
Fixed - Redis cluster slot calculation doesn't work properly if brace isn't closed (thanks to @dengliming)
Fixed - RBloomFilter rename method doesn't rename config object (thanks to @dengliming)
Fixed - slf4j-simple dependency excluded from redisson-all
Fixed - JCache.removeAsync method throws NPE if operation fails
Fixed - all cached Lua scripts are executed on Redis master nodes only
Fixed - XPENDING command causes syntax error in redisson-spring-data-23
Fixed - CommandPubSubDecoder throws NPE
Fixed - MasterSlaveConnectionManager allocates superfluous 113Kb of memory for non-cluster Redis setup

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