github redisson/redisson redisson-3.11.1

4 years ago

Feature - getPendingInvocations method added to RRemoteService object
Feature - natMap setting support for Sentinel mode (thanks to fgiannetti)
Feature - listPending method added to RStream, RStreamAsync, RStreamRx, RStreamReactive interfaces
Feature - implementation of Spring Session ReactiveSessionRepository added
Feature - allow usage of multiple env variables with default values in one config entry (thanks to tristanlins)

Improvement - Use maven packaging for redisson project as jar instead of bundle (thanks to jchobantonov)
Improvement - add default entries in MANIFEST.MF file and extra Build-Time entry as well (thanks to jchobantonov)

Fixed - RMap.replace method doesn't update idle timeout (thanks to mcacker)
Fixed - timeout drift in RedissonFairLock (thanks to jncorpron)
Fixed - dead Sentinel appears in logs as node added and down
Fixed - Publish/Subscribe connections are not resubscribed properly after failover process
Fixed - RedissonLocalCachedMap.clearLocalCache method is not executed asynchronously
Fixed - Tomcat RedissonSession.setAttribute method doesn't check the value for null (thanks to jchobantonov)
Fixed - Tomcat Manager UpdateValve should be installed only once (thanks to jchobantonov)
Fixed - remove MessageListener from topic when Tomcat Session Manager stopInternal is invoked (thanks to jchobantonov)
Fixed - RStream.getInfo method throws java.lang.ClassCastException
Fixed - RedissonMultiLock could be acquired by multiple threads if waitTime == -1 and leaseTime != -1
Fixed - PRINCIPAL_NAME_INDEX_NAME key is not created in redis
Fixed - SessionExpiredEvent is not triggered in Spring Session implementation
Fixed - host name containing underscore cause NPE
Fixed - Illegal reflective access by org.redisson.misc.URIBuilder warning removed
Fixed - RedissonSessionRepository doesn't trigger created event if keyPrefix setting is not null (thanks to hs20xqy)
Fixed - RRemoteService.getFreeWorkers method removes registered service
Fixed - zero timeout isn't respected in RRateLimiter.tryAcquire method
Fixed - RedissonObjectBuilder.REFERENCES map should be filled one time
Fixed - RReadWriteLock.readLock doesn't take in account expiration date of the last acquired read lock. (thanks to Aimwhipy)
Fixed - result object of RMapRx.iterator methods don't return Flowable object
Fixed - Tomcat Session doesn't expire if broadcastSessionEvents = true
Fixed - ClassNotFoundException thrown during SerializationCodec.decode method invocation (thanks to jchobantonov)
Fixed - connections amount setting for mirrors is not applied in Proxy mode

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