Redis Commands and Arguments
- XAUTOCLAIM Command #2498
- CONFIG SET returns OK status #2525
- SHUTDOWN with optional modifier #2544
- Allow calling PUBSUB CHANNELS without a pattern #2555
- Support TYPE option in SCAN command #2565
- CLIENT LIST command with TYPE argument #2591
- Support EXECABORT Error #2598
- Few more Sentinel commands #2588
- CLIENT PAUSE command with mode option #2601
- More Cluster commands #2605
- ROLE command #2607
- FAILOVER command #2610
- Support stralgo command #2586
- Reduce lock granularity #2514
- Allow to override sharded jedis pooled object factory #2612
- Throw SHUTDOWN error received from Redis #2613
- Upgrade commons-pool to 2.10.0 #2609
- Warn Limit the access of setDataSource in Jedis #2522
- New RestoreReplace recommendations #2534
- Deprecate JedisClusterHostAndPortMap #2535
- Deprecate set methods from socket factory #2530
- Deprecate methods with 'byte[] keyCount' param #2548
- Warn Pool extends GenericObjectPool #2576
Thanks to @s-sathish, @Shawyeok, @sabbey37, @bokshitsky, @yangbodong22011 for contributing!