github redis-stack/redis-stack v7.2.0-rc2
Redis Stack 7.2.0-RC2

latest releases: v7.4.0-rc1, v6.2.6-v15, v7.2.0-v11...
pre-release12 months ago

This is the second release of Redis Stack version 7.2.0.


This version contains a new capability - Triggers and Functions, improvements to the Search and Query capability, and improvements to the JSON, time series and probabilistic data structures. It also includes the latest version of RedisInsight.

The new Search and Query version introduces new and frequently asked Geo Polygon Search. Adding the GEOSHAPE field type that supports polygon shapes using WKT notation. Besides the current GEO (alias for GEOPOINT) used already geo range queries, we add the support for POLYGON as new shapes. In addition, it brings improvements in performance for SORT BY operations using FT.SEARCH and FT.AGGREGATE.

This release includes a new capability - Triggers and Functions that brings the ability to execute and trigger business logic inside Redis using JavaScript (JS). Detailed documentation and examples can be found in this GitHub repository. The Triggers and Functions commands are aligned with the Redis Functions command. The API is not yet final and might change based on feedback. Any feedback is highly appreciated.



  • Search and Query:

    • #3553 Introduce support for Geo-polygon shapes and queries
      • #3476, #3660 Adding GEOSHAPE field type to map polygons in the SCHEMA on FT.CREATE.
      • Support for polygons POLYGON using WKT notation, for example POLYGON((x1 y1, x2 y2, ...)).
      • #3556 Adjust the query syntax on FT.SEARCH for Polygons using the predicate @geom:[OPERATOR $poly] and defining polygon in WKT format as PARAMS 2 poly "POLYGON((10 20, ...))" using DIALECT 3.
      • Initially WITHIN and CONTAINS operators with GEOSHAPES for now.
      • #3645 Support multiple coordinate systems cartesian (X,Y) and geographic (lon, lat). Geographic coordinate system using spherical indexing as default (SPHERICAL).
    • #3046 Introduce performance optimization for sorting operations on FT.SEARCH and FT.AGGREGATE as default on DIALECT 4. It will improve performance in 4 different scenarios, listed below:
      • Skip Sorter - applied when there is no sort of any kind. The query can return once it reaches the LIMIT requested results.
      • Partial Range - applied when there is a SORTBY a numeric field, with no filter or filter by the same numeric field, the query iterate on a range large enough to satisfy the LIMIT requested results.
      • Hybrid - applied when there is a SORTBY a numeric field in addition to another non-numeric filter. Some results will get filtered, and the initial range may not be large enough. The iterator then is rewinded with the following ranges, and an additional iteration takes place to collect LIMIT requested results.
      • No optimization - If there is a sort by score or by non-numeric field, there is no other option but to retrieve all results and compare their values.
      • #3651 Add WITHCOUNT argument that allow return accurate counts for the query results with sorting. This operation processes all results in order to get accurate count, being less performant than the optimised option (default behaviour on DIALECT 4).
  • JSON:

    • #916 Introduce the new JSON.MERGE in compliance with RFC 7396, supporting:
      • Creating new attributes on an existing JSON document
      • Updating and replacing values in parent and child attributes
      • Deleting existing attributes (giving null as value)
      • Array update - replacing an entire array with the new value.
    • #944 Introduce JSON.MSET, supporting atomic multiple sets for keys in the same hash slot.
  • Triggers and Functions:

    • #875 The api_version was added to the library prologue indicating the minimum required API version. Indicating the library works on the specified API version and later minor versions.
      #896 Additional optional callback on a KeySpace trigger that can perform read operations exactly when the notification happens.
    • #910 The JavaScript API is updated to be inline with JavaScript best practices. Registrations of functions and triggers is done with mandatory arguments and a single optional object.
    • #935 Ability to load an RDB from a Redis Server with the RedisGears module loaded but NOT used into a Redis Server without the RedisGears module.
    • Updated commands:
      • #910 TFUNCTION and TFCALL is used instead of RG.FUNCTION and RG.FCALL.
      • #939 The commands are updated to match the Redis Functions commands. TFCALL combines the library and function in a single argument with '.' separated. Example: TFCALL <library_name>.<function_name>.
      • #900 rated the ability to run functions as a coroutine in TFCALLASYNC. Clients rely on TFCALL to never block shared connections so other commands are not delayed on such connections.


  • Search and Query:

    • #3641 Indexing sanitizing trigger in heavily data updates scenario.
    • #3614 Several improvements in the aggregations execution pipeline.
  • Triggers and Functions:

    • #906 Limit the total memory usage of all combined libraries, the values can be configured during module load.
    • #940 Validate the current memory usage when uploading a new library to not exceed the max memory limit.

Changed Behavior

  • Search and Query:
    • #3355, #3635 Expired keys deleted from slave's index, returning an empty array instead of nil.

Bug Fixes

  • Search and Query:

    • #3597 Duplicating alias as output name on FT.AGGREGATE reducer (REDUCE argument) isn't return results.
    • #3654 Added check for @ prefix on GROUPBY fields returnig an error instead of wrong results.
    • #3501 Sorting by 2 or more fields follow the order not ignoring the second argument.
    • #3582 Sorter will set lower rank in documents expired during query time, preventing clients to freeze.
  • JSON:

    • #1025 JSON.TOGGLE key space notification fix.
  • Time series:

    • #1471 Potential crash on MRANGE when aggregating millions of time series.
    • #1469 Potential memory leak in MRANGE after eviction.
  • Triggers and Functions:

    • #913 Do not trigger notifications when Redis is loading from a persistence file.

Redis version

Module versions

Recommended Client Libraries

Compatible with the latest RedisInsight. The docker image redis/redis-stack for this version is bundled with RedisInsight 2.26.

Note: version numbers follow the following pattern:

  • x.y Redis Major version
  • z increases with even numbers as a module x.y version increases.
  • b denotes a patch to Redis or a module (any z of Redis or Modules). b will consist of a v + numeric value.

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