New Features 🥳
- feat: add coding style levels (#6695), Thanks @carlos-granados!
Bugfixes 🐛
- [CodeQuality] Skip with comment inside on SimplifyIfElseToTernaryRector (#6683)
- [CodeQuality] Skip windows absolute path on AbsolutizeRequireAndIncludePathRector (#6684)
- [Strict] Handle in assign on BooleanInIfConditionRuleFixerRector (#6685)
- Replace ambiguous wrapped_with_brackets with existing attribute wrapped_in_parentheses (#6691)
- [NodeTypeResolver] Clean up wrap in parentheses check ReprintNodeVisitor (#6692)
- [Php80][TypeDeclaration] Fix crash on ClassPropertyAssignToConstructorPromotionRector + ReturnNeverTypeRector (#6694)
- CodeClimate output format (#6697), Thanks @VitalyArt!
- Exclude node modules path (#6702), Thanks @vaishnavyogesh!
- Fix str_getcsv() escape argument on PHP 8.4 (#6704)
- [Php74] Handle crash curly based array on trait on CurlyToSquareBracketArrayStringRector (#6706)
- [Php73] Handle infinite cast on StringifyStrNeedlesRector (#6707)
- Clean up unused use (#6708)
- fix: NewlineBeforeNewAssignSetRector variable as same name like property (#6705), Thanks @guideloince!
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip override trait method on StrictStringParamConcatRector (#6711)
- [Test] Clean up test on WorkerCommandLineFactoryTest (#6714)
- [DX] Move isWindows() method from AbstractRectorTestCase to AbstractLazyTestCase (#6715)
- [Performance] Use exactly equal or append / file path check on RealpathMatcher (#6716)
- [TypeDeclaration] Allow union with closure type on property on TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector (#6717)
- [DeadCode] Skip union falsy mixed on trait on RecastingRemovalRector (#6718)
- Skip hexa chars in EncapsedStringsToSprintfRector (#6719)
- [CodingStyle] Rename method: containsASCIIChar to containsControlASCIIChar on EncapsedStringsToSprintfRector (#6720)