- invalidate axis-aligned boundng box util
- aabb printer function
- helper for check aabb is valid or not
- get sign of float helper as -1, +1 and 0 for vec3, vec4 and for single floats
- aabb box size and radius
- project / unproject functions
- isnan, isinf and isvalid heleprs for vectos
- vector version of sqrt
- lerp for numbers, vec3 and vec4
- add call versions of vector extension
- major quaternion update
- change WXYZ order to XYZW
- normalize quat in quat_mat4
- normalize axis in quatv
- quat to mat3
- transposed versions of quat to mat4/mat3
- quaternion version of look
- quaternion version of rotate vector
- quaternion version of rotate matrix
- quaternion helpers; get conjugate, inv, angle, axis...
- fix quaternion multiplication
- SSE version for quaternion multiplication
- fix slerp, add lerp
- look rotation
- quat to mat4 and quat to mat3
- add tests, docs
and lots of improvements, bugfixes (and features) may not listed above!