github realm/realm-swift v0.0.1-preview

latest releases: v20.0.1, v10.54.2, v10.54.1...
pre-release17 months ago


  • None.
  • Filesystem errors now include more information in the error message.
  • Add support for building for visionOS and add Xcode 15 binaries to the
    release package. visionOS currently requires installing Realm via either
    Swift Package Manager or by using a XCFramework as CocoaPods and Carthage do
    not yet support it.
  • Zips compatible with SPM's .binaryTarget() are now published as part of the
    reases on Github.
  • Prebuilt XCFrameworks are now built with LTO enabled. This has insgificant
  • performance benefits, but cuts the size of the library by ~15%.


  • <How to hit and notice issue? what was the impact?> (#????, since v?.?.?)
  • None.

Breaking Changes

  • Legacy non-xcframework Carthage installations are no longer supported. Please
    ensure you are using --use-xcframeworks if installing via Carthage.


  • Realm Studio: 14.0.1 or later.
  • APIs are backwards compatible with all previous releases in the 10.x.y series.
  • Carthage release for Swift is built with Xcode 14.3.1.
  • CocoaPods: 1.10 or later.
  • Xcode: 14.1-15 beta 4.


  • Upgraded realm-core from ? to ?

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