github realm/realm-core v13.16.0
Realm Core v13.16.0

latest releases: v14.0.1, v14.0.0, v13.27.0...
12 months ago


  • Add visionOS binaries to the Cocoa release package (PR #6746).
  • Added support for running initial subscription callback when opening realm, both for synchronous and asynchronous flows. Sync Config contains subscription_initializer and rerun_init_subscription_on_open in order to setup the subscription callback, and select whether rerun this the first time the file is opened or not. (#5962)


  • None.

Breaking changes

  • None.


  • Fileformat: Generates files with format v23. Reads and automatically upgrade from fileformat v5.


  • Prebuilt binaries for non-Apple platforms are no longer published as nothing was using them (PR #6746).
  • SystemError exceptions now have a more detailed error message. (#6739)

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