github realm/SwiftLint 0.50.0-rc.1
0.50.0-rc.1: Artisanal Clothes Pegs

latest releases: 0.57.0, 0.56.2, 0.56.1...
pre-release24 months ago

This is a prerelease version. It won't be published to Homebrew or CocoaPods. But there are many other ways to install:

  • Downloading the attached SwiftLint.pkg installer and launching it
  • Downloading the attached archive, extracting it and moving the binary from portable_swiftlint/swiftlint to /usr/local/bin or elsewhere in your PATH
  • Using Mint: mint install realm/SwiftLint@0.50.0-rc.1
  • Cloning and building from source: git clone && cd SwiftLint && git checkout 0.50.0-rc.1 && make install
  • Docker: docker run -it -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd`
  • Bazel: See instructions at the bottom

Changes from 0.49.1: 0.49.1...0.50.0-rc.1


  • SwiftLint now requires Swift 5.7 or higher to build.
    JP Simard

  • Exclude weak_delegate rule from autocorrection due to behavioral changes
    leading to potential undefined behavior or bugs.

  • The anyobject_protocol rule is now deprecated and will be completely removed
    in a future release because it is now handled by the Swift compiler.
    JP Simard


  • None.


  • SwiftSyntax libraries have been updated from the previous 5.6 release and now
    use the new parser written in Swift.
    Swift 5.7+ features should now be parsed more accurately.
    We've also measured an improvement in lint times of up to 15%.
    This should also fix some deployment issues where the exact version of the
    internal SwiftSyntax parser needed to be available.
    If you notice any unexpected changes to lint results, please file an issue on
    the SwiftLint issue tracker. We can look into it and if it's a SwiftSyntax
    parser regression we can re-file it upstream.
    JP Simard

  • Add ability to filter rules for generate-docs subcommand.

  • Add new excludes_trivial_init configuration for missing_docs rule
    to exclude initializers without any parameters.
    Marcelo Fabri

  • Rewrite some rules with SwiftSyntax, fixing some false positives and catching
    more violations:

    • anonymous_argument_in_multiline_closure
    • array_init
    • block_based_kvo
    • class_delegate_protocol
    • closing_brace
    • closure_parameter_position
    • computed_accessors_order
    • contains_over_filter_count
    • contains_over_range_nil_comparison
    • deployment_target
    • discouraged_object_literal
    • discouraged_optional_boolean
    • duplicate_enum_cases
    • dynamic_inline
    • empty_collection_literal
    • empty_enum_arguments
    • empty_parameters
    • empty_parentheses_with_trailing_closure
    • empty_string
    • explicit_init
    • fallthrough
    • flatmap_over_map_reduce
    • force_try
    • force_unwrapping
    • generic_type_name
    • ibinspectable_in_extension
    • implicit_getter
    • inert_defer
    • large_tuple
    • legacy_cggeometry_functions
    • legacy_constant
    • legacy_nsgeometry_functions
    • multiple_closures_with_trailing_closure
    • no_extension_access_modifier
    • no_fallthrough_only
    • no_space_in_method_call
    • nsobject_prefer_isequal
    • private_action
    • private_outlet
    • private_unit_test
    • protocol_property_accessors_order
    • redundant_nil_coalescing
    • redundant_string_enum_value
    • strong_iboutlet
    • switch_case_on_newline
    • toggle_bool
    • trailing_semicolon
    • unneeded_break_in_switch
    • unneeded_parentheses_in_closure_argument
    • unowned_variable_capture
    • untyped_error_in_catch
    • xctfail_message
      Marcelo Fabri
      JP Simard
  • Add accessibility_trait_for_button rule to warn if a SwiftUI
    View has a tap gesture added to it without having the button or
    link accessibility trait.
    Ryan Cole

  • Add methods from SE-0348 to UnusedDeclarationRule.
    JP Simard

  • Include the configured bind_identifier in self_binding violation
    JP Simard

  • Add library_content_provider file type to file_types_order rule
    to allow LibraryContentProvider to be ordered independent from main_type.

  • Add test_parent_classes option to test_case_accessibility rule, which
    allows detection in subclasses of XCTestCase.
    Martin Redington

  • Add a new if_let_shadowing opt-in rule that triggers in Swift 5.7 when a
    shadowing optional binding is created in an if- or guard-statement.

  • Use SwiftSyntax instead of SourceKit to determine if a file has parser errors
    before applying corrections. This speeds up corrections significantly when
    none of the rules use SourceKit.
    JP Simard

  • Add Swift Package Build Tool Plugin with support for Swift Packages
    and Xcode projects.
    Johannes Ebeling

  • Make private_unit_test rule correctable.

Bug Fixes

  • Respect validates_start_with_lowercase option when linting function names.
    Chris Brakebill

  • Do not report variables annotated with @NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor and
    @WKExtensionDelegateAdaptor in weak_delegate rule.
    Till Hainbach

  • Fix false-positives related to the willMove lifecycle method in
    type_contents_order rule.

  • Do no longer autocorrect usage of NSIntersectionRect in legacy_nsgeometry_functions

  • Fix Analyzer rules in Xcode 14.

  • Add column for SourceKit usage to rules command.
    JP Simard

Using Bazel

Put this in your WORKSPACE:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "build_bazel_rules_apple",
    sha256 = "90e3b5e8ff942be134e64a83499974203ea64797fd620eddeb71b3a8e1bff681",
    url = "",







    name = "SwiftLint",
    sha256 = "ee13554c48ca7845513ae307863525afbb5b8f22d4c3b34b5b2e87311c3d5e26",
    url = "",

load("@SwiftLint//bazel:repos.bzl", "swiftlint_repos")


load("@SwiftLint//bazel:deps.bzl", "swiftlint_deps")


Then you can run SwiftLint in the current directory with this command:

bazel run @SwiftLint//:swiftlint -- --help

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