github real-logic/simple-binary-encoding 1.34.0

one day ago

Breaking changes

  • [Java] Upgrade to Agrona 2.0.0.
    Note: --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED JVM option must be specified in order to generate codecs or use the generated Java classes. For example:
    $ java --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED -Dsbe.output.dir=include/gen -Dsbe.errorLog=yes -jar sbe-all/build/libs/sbe-all-${SBE_TOOL_VERSION}.jar my-sbe-messages.xml


  • [C++] Integrate std::span support for flyweight API (#1038, #1027)
  • [C++] hide the m_codecStatePtr behind ifdefs to avoid overhead when precedence checking is disabled (#1036)
  • [C++] Fix field precedence check issue #1031. (#1033)
  • [C++] use constexpr to define precedence checks lookup tables
  • [C++] respect the package override option for C++ codecs and DTOs
  • [C#] respect the package override option for C# codecs and DTOs
  • [Rust] Updated code generator to resolve Issue #1028 (#1037)
  • [Rust] codegen of primitive enums now implement 'From' instead of 'Into'  (#1029)
  • [Rust] generate message schema level info in (#1019)
  • [Rust] Enhance enum supporting fromstr and display and into (#1020)
  • [Go] Fix warning about used args in GolangFlyweightGenerator.
  • [Java] Update Checkstyle rules and apply them.
  • [Java] Prevent collision when field name is 'value'.
  • [Java] Preserve byte order throughout IR transformations.
  • [Java] Upgrade to Gradle 8.11.1.
  • [Java] Upgrade to Checkstyle 10.21.0.
  • [Java] Upgrade to JUnit 5.11.4.
  • [Java] Upgrade to jqwik 1.9.2.

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