github reactiveui/ReactiveUI 9.11.1

latest releases: 20.1.63, 20.1.52, 20.1.1...
5 years ago


Some improvements to the WinForms workflow and extra abilities for the binding engine

  • Added the ability to change how the set operation is done via a * ISetMethodBindingConverter interface you can register with Splat. This is useful in Winforms where you modify the list but not change the instance.
  • Added two new implementations of the ISetMethodBindingConverter. One for general ContentControls, the other for tables.
  • A winforms sample based on the above using the getting-started.

What's changed:

  • 218cf24 housekeeping: Release ReactiveUI 9.11
  • feature: Add winforms auto binding to Tables/Flow based controls (#1956) @glennawatson
  • housekeeping: add the mask to include any dynamicdata v6.* @glennawatson
  • housekeeping: Update MsBuild.Sdk.Extras @glennawatson

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