github react-grid-layout/react-grid-layout v0.13.2

latest releases: 1.4.4, 1.4.3, 1.4.2...
7 years ago


  • Diffing children in order to regenerate the layout now diffs the key props and their order.
    • This will catch more changes, such as sorting, addition, and removal.
  • Only pass className and style to WidthProvider. Other props were not intended to be supported.
    • I'm aware this could be a breaking change if you were relying on this bad behavior. If so, please
      use your own WidthProvider-style HOC.
  • babel-plugin-transform-flow-comments had limited support for defining types like transpiled classes.
    • This has been updated to instead copy source to .js.flow files, which preserves all type information.

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