- py-sql support same line Continuous writing, use ': ' split(Note the middle part: add space).
for example(this example will be 'for' first ,then to do 'trim'):
#[py_sql(RB, "insert into biz_activity
trim ',': for key,item in arg:
trim ',': for v in arg:
) ")]
pub async fn py_insert(arg: &BizActivity) -> DBExecResult {}
2020-11-15 22:18:07.008296500 +08:00 INFO rbatis::plugin::log - [rbatis] [] Exec ==> insert into biz_activity ( create_time, delete_flag, h5_banner_img, h5_link, id, name, pc_banner_img, pc_link, remark, sort, status, version ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )
[rbatis] [] Args ==> ["2020-11-15T22:18:07.007182300",1,null,null,"12312","123",null,null,null,"1",1,"1"]