github razor-network/oracle-node v1.0.6-alpha

latest releases: v2.0.0, 1.2.0, v1.1.0-patch.1...
2 years ago

Alpha release, as its in testing phase. Contains testnet contract-addresses and parameters.

New Features added in this release from v1.0.5 → v1.0.6-alpha

  1. Remove EthBalanceIsZero check from the all the commands except addStake and delegate

  2. [Epic] Move constant values used to core/constants.go and use them throughout

    • dispute.go keep gasLimitMultiplier as a constant and add a comment on why its being used as that
    • Move path.go strings to constants.go
    • change common.hash to nil hash throughout
  3. [Epic] Code CleanUp (Changes from v1-audit) (#988)

    • Refactors (#864)
      • change getDelayedState to getBufferedState
      • remove uint64 from block time
      • change int to uint in constants
      • getSalt cleanup (typos)
      • Change handleRevealState to checkForLastCommitted
      • CalculateBlockNumberAtEpochBeginning rename to EstimateBlockNumberAtEpochBeginning
      • GetStatesAllowed rename to GetFormattedStateNames and remove the comma logic
      • ClaimStakeReward rename to ClaimStakerReward
    • tx hash logging needs to be more consistent throughout (#846)
    • remove redundant uint typecast , In GetEpoch(), uint64 needs to be removed (#844)
    • Update coinContract to erc20contract (#842)
    • Move standard logger json formatter to common in logger.go/initialise logger (#833)
  4. [Epic] Validate contract calls. Add/Remove checks to avoid any error from contracts (Changes from v1-audit) (#979)

    • Add ETA for unlockWithdraw #885
    • Check for address validity everywhere using a validation helper #837
    • add stake needs to check if Staker is slashed before staking #868
    • add retry mechanism for fetch balance #839
    • IF condition should be placed before calculating transaction options. #826
  5. Remove cmd/UtilsInterface (#959)

  6. Move lumberjack (logger.go) constants to config (#832)

  7. Epoch check to perform InitiateWithdraw should be done first instead of waiting till allowed states. (#1000)

  8. Implemented RPC timeout while fetching blockNumber for logger (#998)

  9. Updated docker file and readme for non-root user (#940)

  10. Support new field for datasource (#1001)

  11. Cache multiple results from same API(#976)

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