github rayenghanmi/RyTuneX v0.9.1
Version 0.9.1

14 hours ago

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  • Added detailed sections for Network and Battery information in System Info page.
  • Enhanced System Info page to include more detailed information and options.
  • Replaced the old Win32 folder picker with the modern FolderPicker from the Windows.Storage.Pickers namespace for selecting the folder path in the System Info page.
  • Added caching to some pages to retain their data when navigating away and returning.


  • Optimized the loading of installed apps by parallelizing tasks and minimizing UI updates.
  • Improved the efficiency of the uninstallation process by running tasks in parallel.
  • Enhanced the responsiveness of the Debloat page.
  • Introduced an enhanced way to gather system information in System Info page.
  • Optimized the Networking page by caching network interfaces, enhancing DNS setting process and improving the UI responsiveness.
  • Enhanced the UI by initializing toggle switches asynchronously and minimizing UI updates.
  • Improved logging and error handling.

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