github ravahn/FFXIV_ACT_Plugin

latest releases:,,
14 months ago

New feature release:

  • Added new setting - "Use Deucalion Injection Library" - which injects a small DLL into the game to intercept network data, instead of using NPcap / raw winsock sockets to capture network data. This is turned off by default, and does not work with the FFXIV dx9 client.

Notes on using the Deucalion Injection Library:

In order to work around the current requirement to start ACT before logging into FFXIV, the FFXIV Plugin has been modified to support a custom library ( that is injected into Final Fantasy XIV and makes the network data available over a named pipe. This is a big change from earlier versions of the plugin, since it must modify the game process to perform this injection. Commercial programs such as Discord and graphics card drivers that display in-game overlays, as well as third-party tools like Dalamud, have been injecting their own code for a long time already. The FFXIV Plugin's injection definitely still violates the terms of service for FFXIV, so use at your own risk.

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