github rashevskyv/dbi 432
DBI 432

latest releases: 741ru, 740ru, 731ru...
2 years ago

GitHub release (latest by date)

  • Added support for external keyboard
  • Added support for editing in hex-mode. For enter edit mode press enter on external keyboard or (R3)
  • Added basic rar support (multivolume archives and archives with password are not supported)
  • Added support for CBR/CBZ, so you can use DBI as comix reader (L/R for rotating, LZ/RZ for next/previews image, R3 for zoom, same as image reader)
  • At the start, it is now scanned and cached in the background stream of info on installed applications (with a switchable indication). You don't have to wait until the end, you can start working right away.

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