github rancher/terraform-provider-rancher2 v1.22.0

latest releases: v3.3.0-rc3, v4.2.0-rc3, v4.2.0-rc2...
2 years ago


1.22.0 (December 22, 2021)


  • New Argument: rancher2_cloud_credential.s3_credential_config - (Optional) S3 config for the Cloud Credential. Just for Rancher 2.6.0 and above (list maxitems:1)
  • New Argument: rancher2_cluster.rke_config.enable_cri_dockerd - (Optional) Enable/disable using cri-dockerd. Deafult: false (bool) #792
  • New Argument: rancher2_cluster.rke_config.private_registries.ecr_credential_plugin - (Optional) ECR credential plugin config (list maxitems:1)
  • New Argument: rancher2_cluster_v2.local_auth_endpoint - - (Optional) Cluster V2 local auth endpoint (list maxitems:1)
  • Deprecated Argument: rancher2_cluster_v2.rke_config.local_auth_endpoint - (Deprecated) Use rancher2_cluster_v2.local_auth endpoint instead (list maxitems:1)


  • Updated rancher2_cluster_v2 docs adding labels and annotations arguments. #784
  • Updated findClusterRegistrationToken function checking for correct Cluster Registration Token #791
  • Updated getClusterKubeconfig function to properly delete a cluster if cluster not available #788
  • Updated rancher2_machine_config_v2 resource to allow its use by Rancher standard users #824
  • Updated rancher2_cluster.eks_config_v2 argument to fix EKS launch template issue #820
  • Updated go modules and acceptance tests to support rancher v2.6.3


  • Fix rancher2_cluster_v2.rke_config.registries sort to avoid false diff
  • Fix rancher2_machine_config_v2 to properly get updated

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