What's Changed
- Deduplicate status messages by @p-se in #3042
- [updatecli] Bump Fleet version used within installation documentation to 0.10.5 by @rancherbot in #3053
- Fix namespace target customization support with no defaults by @weyfonk in #3052
- Remove unused function by @weyfonk in #3058
- Fix charts repo name population by @weyfonk in #3026
- Update module github.com/rancher/fleet/pkg/apis to v0.11.0 by @renovate-rancher in #3066
- Un-Rc Wrangler 3.1 by @thardeck in #3063
- Update module golang.org/x/sync to v0.9.0 by @renovate-rancher in #3060
- Update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.35.1 by @renovate-rancher in #3043
- Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.29.0 by @renovate-rancher in #3059
- [updatecli] Bump Fleet version used within installation documentation to 0.11.0 by @rancherbot in #3069
- Fix base Fleet chart version resolution for test release by @weyfonk in #3068
- Update gomod-sigsk8sio-dependencies by @renovate-rancher in #3037
- Inject registered cluster name into multi-cluster tests by @weyfonk in #3071
- Reduce flakiness in single-cluster end-to-end tests by @weyfonk in #3074
- chore(deps): update module helm.sh/helm/v3 to v3.16.3 by @renovate-rancher in #3076
- chore(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.21.0 by @renovate-rancher in #3073
- Apply defaults from gitrepo restrictions by @manno in #3056
- chore(deps): update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.19.2 by @renovate-rancher in #3090
- chore(deps): update module github.com/stretchr/testify to v1.10.0 by @renovate-rancher in #3093
- chore(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.22.0 by @renovate-rancher in #3088
- chore(deps): update module github.com/masterminds/semver/v3 to v3.3.1 by @renovate-rancher in #3087
- chore(deps): update github.com/rancher/lasso digest to cbc3210 by @renovate-rancher in #3082
- [updatecli] Bump Fleet version used within installation documentation to 0.11.1 by @rancherbot in #3081
- Remove hidden flag from gitops by @manno in #3078
- Enables e2e tests using k3d services export to external ips by @0xavi0 in #3089
- Deletes no longer valid comment in infra by @0xavi0 in #3100
- ci: use staging registry for hotfixes by @aruiz14 in #3055
- chore(deps): update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.30.0 by @renovate-rancher in #3123
- chore(deps): update github.com/rancher/lasso digest to 04649f3 by @renovate-rancher in #3109
- chore(deps): update module github.com/prometheus/common to v0.61.0 by @renovate-rancher in #3122
- Set registered cluster name before running Fleet tests by @weyfonk in #3126
- Make max concurrent reconciles configurable for agent and remaining controllers by @weyfonk in #3094
- chore(deps): update k8s.io/utils digest to 24370be by @renovate-rancher in #3133
- chore(deps): update module github.com/docker/docker to v27.4.0+incompatible by @renovate-rancher in #3131
- [v0.12] Disable jobs cleanup cronjob if gitOps is disabled by @weyfonk in #3130
- chore(deps): update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.36.1 by @renovate-rancher in #3132
- chore(deps): update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.19.3 by @renovate-rancher in #3110
- Fix typos by @p-se in #3140
- dev-scripts: Wait for ingress to appear before waiting for load balancer by @p-se in #2940
- Calculate Clusters resourceCount from BundleDeployments instead of GitRepos by @aruiz14 in #3102
- [updatecli] Bump Fleet version used within installation documentation to 0.11.2 by @rancherbot in #3147
- dev-scripts: Spawn arbitrary amount of downstream clusters by @p-se in #3139
- Fix fleet-agent chart validation by @weyfonk in #3150
- Add Experimental HelmOps controller. by @0xavi0 in #3092
- Cleanup agent integrationtests by @manno in #3142
- chore(deps): update module helm.sh/helm/v3 to v3.16.4 by @renovate-rancher in #3153
- Expose agent worker counts in fleet chart by @weyfonk in #3152
Full Changelog: v0.11.2...v0.12.0-alpha.1