github rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktop v1.18.2
Rancher Desktop 1.18.2

3 days ago

This is the 1.18.2 release of Rancher Desktop, an open source desktop application to bring Kubernetes and container management to macOS, Windows, and Linux.


What has changed in 1.18.2

Windows regression with docker-proxy has been fixed

Rancher Desktop 1.18.0 includes a fix for docker run commands on Windows that unfortunately introduced a race condition that sometimes breaks the communication between the docker.exe command and the docker daemon, resulting in http2 errors (#8276). Thanks to @bcxpro for providing a fix (#8311)!

Open WebUI extension has been updated to fix Ollama installation on Linux and macOS

If Ollama is not already installed on the system, then the extension will download and install Ollama just inside the extension directory. This had been broken by a change to the upstream Linux and macOS release formats. It does not affect users that already have Ollama installed because in that case the extension will just use the installed version.

The version of Open WebUI has been updated to 0.5.20.

Please note: there was no public release of 1.18.1

An issue with the Open WebUI extension was found after the 1.18.1 tag was already created, so this version had to be skipped.

Release Notes for 1.18.0

Cluster dashboard has been updated from 2.7.0 to 2.11.0

The cluster dashboard has been reimplemented as a Rancher extension and is mostly in sync with the upstream version.

The dashboard now works correctly even when the KUBECONFIG environment variable points to multiple config files.

Network fixes

The gvisor-tap-vsock dependency has been updated again, which has solved several networking regressions from Rancher Desktop 1.17.x (on all platforms).

Rancher Desktop is working properly again when behind a VPN. On macOS the VZ emulation mode works again even without a network connection.

Image scanning now scans local images with containerd

This already worked before for moby.

Image scanning results are displayed much faster once the vulnerability databases have been downloaded (for images with many vulnerabilities).

The Open WebUI extension has been updated

If you already have the extension installed, then you must uninstall it from the "Installed" tab of the "Extensions" page (the "Remove" button on the "Catalog" tab does not work correctly in this release).

After you have uninstalled the current version, you can install the new version as usual from the "Catalog" tab.

docker run issues on Windows have been fixed

docker run on Windows would hang indefinitely when reading from STDIN (#2094) or would produce no output when running without the -i option (#3239). Many thanks to @bcxpro for investigating and fixing this issue!

nerdctl on Windows picks up compose.yaml automatically

The nerdctl command on Windows used to run from a separate directory before and therefore did not locate default filenames like compose.yaml correctly. This has been fixed.

Rancher Desktop is now available as a separate RPM for Fedora


MSI installer no longer installs WSL2 on Windows

WSL2 must be installed on the local system before Rancher Desktop can be installed.

macOS 12 Monterey and earlier are no longer supported

Rancher Desktop no longer works on Apple ARM computers running macOS 12 Monterey. It still works on Apple Intel computers, but is unsupported.

Updates to Bundled Utilities

  • amazon-eco-credential-helper
  • docker
  • docker-buildx
  • docker-compose
  • docker-credential-helpers unchanged 0.8.2
  • helm
  • kuberlr unchanged 0.5.2
  • moby/buildkit
  • nerdctl
  • spin
  • spin-shim
  • spinkube unchanged 0.4.0
  • trivy

Connect with the developers


The full version changelog, from v1.17.0, can be found using GitHub compare and the details of the release can be found in the v1.18.0 milestone.

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