github rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktop v1.11.1
Rancher Desktop 1.11.1

latest releases: v1.14.2, v1.14.1, v1.14.0...
7 months ago

This is the 1.11.1 release of Rancher Desktop, an open source desktop application to bring Kubernetes and container management to Mac, Windows, and Linux.


The Linux packages and AppImage are not yet available due to technical issues. They will be released within the next 2 days. Note that there are no changes between 1.11.0 and 1.11.1 for the Linux binaries, so there isn't any reason to install the patch release on Linux.

This patch release fixes two issues in Rancher Desktop 1.11.0


This patch fixes potential corruption of the Windows kube config file in the case whereby a WSL distro uses a symlink to the host file and WSL integration is enabled for this distro. Note that these symlinks may have been created by earlier releases of Rancher Desktop (#5981, #5946).

Rancher Desktop 1.11.1 will replace such symlinks with a separate file. This is necessary because the Kubernetes endpoint is now different between the Windows host and inside a WSL2 distro.


On macOS in Rancher Desktop 1.11.0, the VM would no longer get a routable IP address even when running with "Administrative Access" (related to vde_vmnet and socket_vmnet drivers). This issue has been fixed (#6051).


There are no changes related to Linux in this release compared to 1.11.0.

Known Issues

Apple M3 CPUs

There have been multiple reports that QEMU does not work with the latest Apple Silicon. Please use VZ emulation instead (#5943).


Currently there are known issues regarding executing multiple application actions while a snapshot is undergoing a management activity (#5846, #5848, #5849, and #5854). Please don't perform snapshot operations through the GUI and the CLI at the same time.

Container Dashboard

There are known issues with the Container Dashboard with filtering table items, ports being displayed correctly, and if using the nerdctl container engine, there is an issue with the "Started" field showing an inaccurate time for containers starting up. The dashboard also has an issue updating when container states have changed or new containers are introduced (#5759, #5893, #5877, and #5775).

Provisioning Scripts - Windows

The location for provisioning scripts on Windows has changed from %AppData%\rancher-desktop\provisioning to %LocalAppData%\rancher-desktop\provisioning. The files are not automatically migrated when Rancher Desktop is updated, so they must be manually moved or copied to the new location.

9p - Linux OS

There is a known issue with some Linux distributions and using the experimental mount type 9p (#4943).

Extensions Install - Allowed Images

When using the Allowed Images feature and also specifying extensions in a deployment profile, the extension images must be included in both lists (#4920).

Please check the Rancher Desktop 1.11.0 release notes for a comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes.

Connect with the developers


The full version changelog, from v1.11.0, can be found using GitHub compare and the details of the release can be found in the v1.11.0 milestone.

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