github raineorshine/npm-check-updates v16.4.0

latest releases: v16.14.20, v16.14.20-0, v16.14.19...
19 months ago


Added --cacheClear option for—you guessed it—clearing the cache 🫥.

This brings the suite of cache-related options to:

  • --cache : Cache versions to the cache file.
  • --cacheClear : Clear the default cache, or the cache file specified by --cacheFile.
  • --cacheExpiration <min> : Cache expiration in minutes (default: 10).
  • --cacheFile <path> : Filepath for the cache file (default: "~/.ncu-cache.json").

Thanks to @ly3xqhl8g9 whose code is gratefully more lucid than his username.

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