github raineorshine/npm-check-updates v16.3.0

latest releases: v16.14.20, v16.14.20-0, v16.14.19...
20 months ago


  • Added workspace support! 🚢

Upgrade all workspaces:

ncu --workspaces
ncu -ws

Upgrade a single workspace:

ncu --workspace a
ncu -w a

Upgrade more than one workspace:

ncu --workspace a --workspace b
ncu -w a -w b

Upgrade all workspaces AND the root project:

ncu --workspaces --root

Upgrade a single workspace AND the root project:

ncu --workspace a --root


  • If workspaces or --workspace is run in --interactive mode, ncu will prompt to npm install once in the root project rather than separately in each workspace (#1182).
  • Running --deep will not trigger workspace support.

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