github radixdlt/babylon-gateway v1.10.0

latest release: v1.10.1
one day ago


If you are upgrading from 1.9.2 or older please use v1.10.1
This is due to bug spotted in 1.10.0 and addressed in 1.10.1 release.


This is the v1.10.0 release for the Gateway. API docs are on Redocly here:


The Babylon Gateway code is released under the Radix License. Binaries/Executable components are licensed under the Radix Software EULA.

Upgrade scenarios


You must deploy on an empty database. There are no database migrations available to update the schema and data.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed two bugs in two-way links returned from /state/entity/details:
    • If one end of the link pointed to an entity without a corresponding metadata key, it was incorrectly considered a valid two-way link.
    • Fixed invalidation after removing a metadata entry on one end. Previously, the link was still considered valid even after the metadata entry was removed.

API Changes

  • New filters are supported on the /stream/transactions endpoint:
    • transaction_status_filter - Allows filtering by the transaction commit status (Success, Failure, All). Defaults to All.
    • balance_change_resources_filter - Allows filtering to transactions which included non-fee related balance changes for all provided resources. Defaults to []. We recommend integrators use this instead of the manifest_resources_filter in most instances.
  • Improved the performance of the /extensions/resource-holders/page endpoint.
  • Added a new, detailed events model that provides more in-depth insights and additional context, allowing you to work with events more effectively. It is returned when the detailed_events opt-in is enabled for the /stream/transactions and /stream/transactions endpoints. The existing events property is now deprecated, and we advise switching to the new detailed events model.
  • Added two new endpoints that allow querying for entities that have ever used a requirement (resource or non-fungible global ID) in their access rules (blueprint authentication templates, owner roles, or role assignments).
    • /extensions/entities-by-role-requirement/lookup – allows querying by multiple requirements.
    • /extensions/entities-by-role-requirement/page – allows querying and paginating by a single requirement.
  • The manifest_classes of the transaction manifest in the /stream/transactions endpoint have been adjusted slightly. Notably:
    • The General classification has been expanded to permit validator stake/unstake/claim actions and pool contribute and redeem actions.
  • Added a new endpoint /extensions/implicit-requirements/lookup for resolving implicit access rule requirements (
  • Added blueprint link support
    • dApp details
      • auto_link_blueprints property added to two_way_linked_dapp_details.entities.items if entity is package and has any auto link blueprint defined.
    • Linked entity changes
      • Update to two_way_linked_dapp_address previously it returned only direct links, right now it resolves to direct_linked_dapp_address if it exists; otherwise, it falls back to blueprint_linked_dapp_address.
      • New property direct_linked_dapp_address returns verified direct two-way link to the dApp address, if available.
      • New property blueprint_linked_dapp_address returns verified blueprint two-way link to the dApp address, if available.

Database changes

  • New entries added to the ledger_transaction_markers table for each resource whose balance (excluding fee-related changes) was modified in a transaction. Each resource balance change will be represented by an entry with the resource_balance_change discriminator and the resource's entity_id.
  • Removed transaction_type.round_update from the ledger_transaction_markers table. This should reduce database size and slightly improve the performance of the /stream/transactions endpoint.
  • A new index IX_ledger_transaction_markers_resource_balance_change has been added to the ledger_transaction_markers table.
  • A new index IX_ledger_transactions_receipt_status_state_version has been added to the ledger_transactions table.
  • Replaced the IX_resource_holders_entity_id_resource_entity_id_balance index with the IX_resource_holders_resource_entity_id_balance_entity_id index on the resource_holders table.
  • New outer_object_entity_id column in the entities table, which holds the outer object entity id (e.g resource entity id for vaults and consensus manager entity id for validators).
  • New receipt_event_emitter_entity_ids column in the ledger_transaction_events table, which holds the emitter entity ids for transaction events.
  • Added a new entities_by_role_requirement_entry_definition table that stores information about entities that have ever used a requirement (resource or non-fungible global ID) in their access rules.
  • Added a new implicit_requirements table to store data necessary for resolving implicit access rule requirements.

What’s new?

  • Added a new configuration parameter, GatewayApi__Endpoint__EntitiesByRoleRequirementLookupMaxRequestedRequirementsCount, which sets the limit (default 50) on the number of requirements that can be queried using the /extensions/entities-by-role-requirement/lookup endpoint.
  • Added a new configuration parameter, GatewayApi__Endpoint__ImplicitRequirementsLookupMaxRequestedRequirementsCount, which sets the limit (default 100) on the number of implicit requirements that can be queried using the /extensions/implicit-requirements/lookup endpoint.

Note to Integrators

Please note that the Babylon Core API on the Node is more powerful than on Olympia.

Integrators looking to prepare for the Radix Babylon launch should start by considering if running their own node and using the Core API would work instead of running a Gateway and using the Gateway API.

Please see the guide for integrators here.

Running just a node is simpler than running a node and Gateway, and the Core API has a "long term support" section of the API, designed for tracking fungible balances and accounts, which is guaranteed to be compatible with mainnet launch - enabling integrators to prepare for mainnet launch immediately.

Docker Images

This release is available as tag v1.10.0 on dockerhub, for the following images:

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