github radixdlt/babylon-gateway rcnet-v3-r1
RCnet v3 (Revision 1)

latest releases: v1.9.2, v1.9.2-rc1, v1.9.1...
16 months ago


This release brings the Gateway compatible with RCnet v3 of the Radix Babylon Network.


This release is available as tag rcnet-v3-r1 on dockerhub, for the following images:

Note to Integrators

Please note that the Babylon Core API on the Node is more powerful than on Olympia.

Integrators looking to prepare for the Radix Babylon launch should start by considering if running their own node and using the Core API would work instead of running a Gateway and using the Gateway API.

Please see the guide for integrators here.

Running just a node is simpler than running a node and Gateway, and the Core API has a "long term support" section of the API, designed for tracking fungible balances and accounts, which is guaranteed to be compatible with mainnet launch - enabling integrators to prepare for mainnet launch immediately.

Updating your Gateway

If running your own Gateway, as part of updating to this network, your Gateway database will need to be wiped, your Gateway updated, and then set to read from RCnet v3 node.

Known Issues

If (main module) component roles are assigned to delegate to Owner, they are not currently returned by the Gateway API - this only works for resources at present.

This will be fixed in the next release.

RCNet v2 to RCNet v3 Migration Guide

What’s New?

  • state returned for access controller, pool components and account from /state/entity/details endpoint.
  • access controller access rules returned from /state/entity/details endpoint.
  • Added blueprint_version to StateEntityDetailsResponseComponentDetails response
  • fixed total_supply, total_burned and total_minted for resources (i.e native XRD).
  • new endpoint /state/non-fungible/location returns location of given non fungible id.
  • Return programmatic json with type names for:
    • key-value key and data in /state/key-value/data endpoint
    • non fungible data in /state/non-fungible/data endpoint
    • events in /transaction/committed-details and /stream/transactions endpoints.
    • custom scrypto component state in /state/entity/details endpoint.
  • New endpoint /statistics/validators/uptime returns validator uptime data.
  • New endpoint /state/key-value/data returns entries of requested KeyValueStore.
  • Rework in role_assignments. Returning all possible keys for native modules (AccessRules, Metadata, Royalty) and if no role is assigned pointer to owner role is returned. Same functionality applies to MainModule for FungibleResource and NonFungibleResource.

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed access_rules to role_assignments. Included missing module to role assignment key.
  • Deleted non fungible ids are also returned from /state/non-fungible/data with null data, marked as is_burned with state version when they got burned.
  • Transaction hashes are now exposed as Bech32m hashes instead of hex-encoded binary sequences.
  • Dropped previous_cursor altogether from all paginable collections.

Known Issues

  • only assigned role_assignments keys for main module for non resource entities are returned. If key is not assigned it'll not be returned from API.

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