github rackerlabs/scantron v1.44

latest releases: v1.47.0, v1.46.0, v1.45...
3 years ago


Highly recommend a fresh build of the console! The new scan scheduling capability relies on ScanSchedule model fields that won't exist until you re-save each Scan.

  • Added supported for scheduling hourly scans.
  • Updated logic to handle new hourly scan frequency capability.
  • Added console/ to assist in visualizing scan start times.
  • Added /api/server_time API endpoint to return a datetime string from the server to assist with scan scheduling.
  • Added 2 different timezone settings in ansible-playbooks/group_vars/all
    timezone_server - Set this to be the timezone you want the server to be in, usually UTC.
    timezone_django - Set this to be your local timezone. It makes dealing with dates, times, and scheduling easier.
  • Added supported_scan_binaries key to ansible-playbooks/roles/engine/templates/engine_config.json as part of #265 Thank you @albertcp!

API Client

  • Added retrieve_server_time() function to retrieve a datetime string of the server to assist with scan scheduling.
  • Added retrieve_all_masscan_targets_and_open_ports_from_scan_id() function to retrieve all the targets and open ports given a scan ID for masscan only.
  • Added "pooled" as a valid file_type for some of the functions that retrieve scan files.

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