github rackerlabs/scantron v1.39

latest releases: v1.47.0, v1.46.0, v1.45...
4 years ago


  • Requires engine version 1.03!
  • scan_results/ and scan_results/ moved from the console's root cronjob to module imports in console/ This means you don't have to wait for at most a minute to download the scan results. They will be available immediately.
  • Scheduled scans "Results File" column renamed to "Result Files"
  • Scheduled scans sorted by descending scan ID


  • Requires console version 1.39!
  • Removed the onus of moving files from scan_results/pending to either 1) scan_results/complete or 2) scan_results/cancelled from the engine. It is now handled by the console.
  • Engine no longer passes completed_time to the console. The console handles that now and is the source of truth.
  • Engine no longer passes result_file_base_name. Key was not utilized by the console.
  • Engine will create a /.logs directory if one does not exist. Aims to minimize the amount of dependencies usually handled by Ansible.

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