github rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server v3.9.5
RabbitMQ 3.9.5

latest releases: v3.13.3, v3.12.14, v3.13.2...
2 years ago

RabbitMQ 3.9.5 is a maintenance release in the 3.9.x release series.

Please refer to the Upgrading to 3.9 section from v3.9.0 release notes if upgrading from a version prior to 3.9.0.

This release requires at least Erlang 23.2, and supports the latest Erlang 24 version, 24.0.5 at the time of release. RabbitMQ and Erlang/OTP Compatibility Matrix has more details on Erlang version requirements for RabbitMQ.

Changes Worth Mentioning

Release notes are kept under rabbitmq-server/release-notes.
Contributors are encouraged to update them together with their changes. This helps with release automation and more
consistent release schedule.

Core Server

Bug Fixes

  • Virtual host metadata (description, tags) was not imported from definitions.

    GitHub issue: #3333

  • Reduced unnecessary debug logging from streams.

    GitHub issue: #3279

AWS Peer Discovery Plugin


  • AWS API calls are now retried multiple times.

    Contributed by AWS.

    GitHub issue: #3329

Management Plugin


  • PUT /api/vhosts/{name} now can update metadata (tags and descriptions) for existing
    virtual hosts.

    GitHub issue: #3319

Dependency Upgrades

No dependency changes in this release.

Source Code Archives

To obtain source code of the entire distribution, please download the archive named rabbitmq-server-3.9.5.tar.xz instead of the source tarball produced by GitHub.

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