github rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server v3.11.8
RabbitMQ 3.11.8

latest releases: v3.13.3, v3.12.14, v3.13.2...
16 months ago

RabbitMQ 3.11.8 is a maintenance release in the 3.11.x release series.

Please refer to the upgrade section from v3.11.0 release notes
if upgrading from a version prior to 3.11.0.

This release requires Erlang 25.
RabbitMQ and Erlang/OTP Compatibility Matrix has more details on
Erlang version requirements for RabbitMQ.

Minimum Supported Erlang Version

As of 3.11.0, RabbitMQ requires Erlang 25. Nodes will fail to start on older Erlang releases.

Erlang 25 as our new baseline means much improved performance on ARM64 architectures, profiling with flame graphs
across all architectures, and the most recent TLS 1.3 implementation available to all RabbitMQ 3.11 users.

Changes Worth Mentioning

Release notes can be found on GitHub at rabbitmq-server/release-notes.

Core Server


  • Stream throughput improvements for workloads with a lot of very small (say, less than 10 bytes)

    GitHub issue: #6862

CLI Tools


  • rabbitmqctl hash_password is a new command that produces a hashed value of the provided password.

    Contributed by @SimonUnge (AWS).

    GitHub issue: #5957

  • rabbitmq-diagnostics check_port_connectivity now supports a new optional flag, --address,
    that makes the check connect to a specific IP address instead of resolving node's hostname.
    This is useful when target node is configured to only listen for connections on one interface
    but not others:

    rabbitmq-diagnostics check_port_connectivity --address
    rabbitmq-diagnostics check_port_connectivity --address "::1"

    GitHub issue: #6853

Management Plugin

Bug Fixes

  • User filtering combined with pagination in the management UI did not work as expected.

    GitHub issue: #4908

  • Correctly format JSON field value in channel detail API response.

    Contributed @Syuparn.

    GitHub issue: #2684

AMQP 1.0 Plugin

Bug Fixes

  • AMQP 1.0 connection churn resulted in a memory leak.

    GitHub issue: #6969

STOMP Plugin

Bug Fixes

  • STOMP client subscriptions to a destination that is an AMQP 0-9-1 exchange now declares
    auto-delete, exclusive queues (previously only auto-delete) as promised in the docs.

    Contributed by @csicar.

    GitHub issue: #6955

Dependency Upgrades

Source Code Archives

To obtain source code of the entire distribution, please download the archive named rabbitmq-server-3.11.8.tar.xz
instead of the source tarball produced by GitHub.

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