github quicksilver-zone/quicksilver v1.5.6

latest releases: v1.6.1-rc5, v1.6.1-no-remove-store, v1.6.1...
14 days ago


This is an upgrade for quicksilverd on the quicksilver-2 mainnet, from block 7810000.

There is no functional code change here, but the upgrade handler will set the status of four unbondings on cosmoshub-4 to UNBONDING, such that they will reattempt the SEND phase of the process, after the SEND phase failed at a previous epoch due to a closed channel

Sha256: a33a8d7d4804d631edf8c389568a1693d2f44db42ffa7de5dc6f27733a1fea79

What's Changed

  • add upgrade handler for v1.5.6 to fix failed unbonding sends by @joe-bowman in #1659

Full Changelog: v1.5.5...v1.5.6

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