- feat(DialogPlugin): allow using async components as custom component #8288 (#8296)
- feat(Notify): allow passing class and style for action buttons (#8298)
- feat(utils/animated scroll): calculate animated scroll based on timers in requestAnimatedFrame #7800 (#8100)
- feat(ui/lang): New language pack - Icelandic #8316
- feat(QFabAction): Allow using QFabAction outside QFab #8328 (#8360)
- feat(QTable): New event - "row-contextmenu" #7803
- fix/perf(VirtualScroll): prevent re-rendering of content items when both from and to changes #8344 (#8357)
- fix(QSeparator): do not allow separator to be flex shrunk #8280 (#8299)
- fix(QSeparator): do not force width or height to avoid overflowing the parent #8307 (#8308)
- fix(QBtnDropdown): do not pad left the dropdown icon if there is no label text #8293 (#8303)
- fix(QBtnToggle): use a clone of computed used for render when they have listeners #8332 (#8333)
- fix(QTabs): improve tabs width calculation; improve arrow detection on mobile #8356, #8317 (#8359)
- fix(sass): Add !default to animate variables in variables.scss (#8321)
- fix(TS): type's error for params utc of startOfDate & endOfDate #8183 (#8355)
- chore(QScrollArea): fix description for "visible" prop