github quasarframework/quasar @quasar/app-v3.0.0-rc.1

pre-release3 years ago

Breaking change

Not supplying "vuex" package anymore. If using a store, please yarn add vuex@4 / npm install vuex@4.
This makes sense because decoupling Vuex will allow developers to upgrade to the future Vuex 5 without us making any breaking changes.


  • Upgraded deps: autoprefixer@10.2.6, ci-info@3.2.0, css-minimizer-webpack-plugin@3.0.1, cssnano@5.0.5, sass-loader@12.0.0, terser-webpack-plugin@5.1.3


  • fix(app): quasar.conf.js > framework > components/directives should not override server-side Quasar comp/dir registration
  • fix(app): improve module not found error reporting #9459

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