Major changes
- #46293 - Allow mongo client to be configured by a tls registry
Complete changelog
- #20231 - Please add -Dtest= option for continuous testing like in maven
- #22321 - Using property in quarkus-maven-plugin
- #23820 - Create integration tests for Hibernate Reactive and Oracle
- #34935 - Make TestHTTPEndpoint at class level affect all URL fields in test classes
- #39127 - [gRPC/protoc] Support for Kotlin code generation
- #39800 - PathParam injection doesn't work in subresources in Quarkus REST (formerly RESTEasy Reactive)
- #41971 - Support connection reset on cancellation for generated REST clients
- #41990 - Support cancelling in flight REST requests
- #42782 - Lookup of trusted proxies by hostname broken due to DNS issues in Vert.x
- #43188 - Resolve trusted proxy host names to all available A/AAAA records
- #44552 - Support protoc Kotlin code generation
- #44711 -
is split acrossextensions/tls-registry/deployment
- #45793 - Devservices Keycloak breaks integration tests
- #46013 - Quarkus WebSockets Next does not respect
- #46015 - SqlClient pool migration
- #46132 - Integration tests for hibernate-reactive-oracle
- #46145 - Maven: enable configuring
- #46148 - Grpc's event loops are kept separated from the Rest ones
- #46157 - Make URL inherit TestHTTPEndpoint from class level
- #46161 - WebSockets Next: allow to select authentication mechanism and OIDC tenant used for opening WebSocket handshake with annotation
- #46172 - Spring Boot properties fail to find a property in native since 3.18.2 after SmallRye Config bump to 3.11.2
- #46182 - Add reflection-free Jackson deserialization to guide
- #46198 - Grpc netty client improvements
- #46206 - MongoClient should reduce the number of created threads
- #46226 - Cleanup Hibernate ORM bytecode enhancer
- #46227 - REST Client - Avoid creating a field for NOOP HeaderFiller
- #46248 - Mongo reactive client should use Netty transport
- #46249 - Update SmallRye Config to 3.12.0
- #46255 - Apply minor polish to MongoClients
- #46265 - Bump com.amazonaws:aws-lambda-java-events from 3.14.0 to 3.15.0
- #46277 - Fix namespaces wrongly using https
- #46278 - Old exec plugin does not work with Maven4
- #46279 - Private key in PKCS#1 PEM format not working with gRPC in native image
- #46289 - Bump net.revelc.code.formatter:formatter-maven-plugin from 2.24.1 to 2.25.0
- #46293 - Allow mongo client to be configured by a tls registry
- #46307 - Workaround Netty SSL Bouncycastle issue in native mode
- #46312 - Use the quarkus MongoClient in liquibase-mongodb extension
- #46316 - Drop couple of deprecated build items and a field in Security and Vert.x HTTP Security area, mark
for removal - #46317 - Mark former OIDC config class fields for removal
- #46318 - Bump io.smallrye.config:smallrye-config-source-yaml from 3.11.3-SNAPSHOT to 3.12.0 in /devtools/gradle
- #46323 - Bump org.yaml:snakeyaml from 2.3 to 2.4
- #46326 - Use the quarkus MongoClients in the liquibase-mongodb extension
- #46336 - Unable to inject TestHTTPResource field
- #46337 - Revert "Make URL inherit TestHTTPEndpoint from class level"
- #46341 - Spring Boot properties app throws NPE when endpoint accessed since Quarkus 3.18.1
- #46355 - Allow to capture the content of a variable with Qute
- #46356 - Allow offloading Linux CI load to RunsOn
- #46359 - Update SmallRye Config to 3.12.2
- #46367 - CI - ITs not always executed - Sometimes only the parent module is built
- #46370 - Force building everything on integration tests to work around gib issue
- #46371 - Bump com.gradle.develocity from 3.19.1 to 3.19.2 in /devtools/gradle
- #46376 - Bump org.mvnpm:es-module-shims from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10
- #46378 - Bump org.jboss.logmanager:jboss-logmanager from 3.1.1.Final to 3.1.2.Final
- #46387 - Restructure TLS Registry Extension
- #46389 - Continuous Testing: add support for build system like test selection
- #46390 - Qute: add fragment named resolvers and capture alias for hidden fragment
- #46410 - Make URL inherit TestHTTPEndpoint from class level
- #46415 - Enable HTTP compression for REST client only
- #46417 - Allow more fine-grained control of compression setting for REST Client
- #46420 - Properly disable GIB for Integration Tests
- #46421 - Filter the JVM matrix and include modules into it
- #46423 - Replace System.out.println with log.infof
- #46433 - Bump com.dajudge.kindcontainer:kindcontainer from 1.4.8 to 1.4.9
- #46439 - Redis Client: Refactored Exception Throwing in Uni Functions
- #46449 -
fails on nested test classes - #46461 - PoolBuildItems are deprecated since 3.21
- #46463 - Docs: “Using OpenID Connect (OIDC) and Keycloak to centralize authorization” guide issues
- #46464 - Check reachability of sub resources before indexing them
- #46466 - Bump com.gradle:develocity-maven-extension from 1.23.1 to 1.23.2
- #46467 - Bump org.htmlunit:htmlunit from 4.9.0 to 4.10.0
- #46468 - Bump org.awaitility:awaitility from 4.2.2 to 4.3.0
- #46479 - Logging with Panache: add support for method references of
methods - #46481 - Applying minor fixes to the Keycloak Authorization doc
- #46487 - QuarkusComponentTest: add basic support for nested test classes
- #46488 - Some CI fixes related to new Matrix and RunsOn
- #46492 - CI - Also filter docs from JVM testing
- #46496 - Reevaluate the compression handling of the REST Client
- #46497 - Use
dependencies within a test scope - #46499 - Properly implement support for gzip responses in REST Client
- #46500 - Bump from 1.46.1 to 1.46.3
- #46501 - Bump com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt from 10.0 to 10.0.2
- #46502 - Bump io.quarkus.gizmo:gizmo from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0
- #46509 - Avoid propagation of .mvn/maven.config to nested generated projects
- #46510 - Switch to the only script Maven wrapper
- #46513 - Switch to Nisse to get OS specific properties
- #46514 - Avoid repeatedly creating same DotNames in ResteasyReactiveProcessor
- #46523 - Bump from 2.51.0 to 2.53.0
- #46525 - CI - Isolate tests from .mvn/maven.config
- #46549 - Bump wildfly-elytron.version from 2.6.0.Final to 2.6.1.Final
- #46552 - Use OptionalInt in REST Client config
- #46562 - Various bits of formatting and trivial tidying
- #46565 - Trivial: Add more detail to failure message
- #46568 - Trivial: Add more information about what actually happened in the launched project
- #46569 - Fix compatibility issue introduced by new OS detection extension
- #46574 - Bump org.apache.groovy:groovy from 4.0.25 to 4.0.26
- #46577 - Revert "Switch to Nisse to get OS specific properties"
- #46582 - Remove obviously wrong copy-pasted comments in test
- #46592 - Make substitution of JMX#createProxy conditional on inclusion of jmxserver feature
- #46594 - Prevent creation of duplicate rest clients for sub resources
- #46595 - Minor test corrections
- #46598 - Bump org.mockito:mockito-bom from 5.15.2 to 5.16.0
- #46600 - Bump org.checkerframework:checker-qual from 3.49.0 to 3.49.1
- #46602 - Bump org.wiremock:wiremock-standalone from 3.11.0 to 3.12.1
- #46603 - Bump org.mockito:mockito-core from 5.15.2 to 5.16.0
- #46614 - Switch to Nisse to get OS specific properties
- #46625 - Improve type safety of method signature
- #46646 - ArC: improve the error message if multiple disposers match a producer method/field
- #46649 - ArC: improve error message in case multiple disposers are found for a producer
- #46658 - AWS Lambda bump to Java21
- #46662 - Quarkus fails to expand
in DEV mode - #46665 - Dev UI: Added theme: Red and Blue
- #46670 - Dev UI/Swagger: Support expansion of properties in path
- #46686 - Polish VertxMeterBinderRecorder
- #46687 - Do not overwrite .mvn/maven.config but contribute to it
- #46689 - Use consistent color for licence badge
- #46690 - Docs: Adds some non-trivial precisions about database multitenancy
- #46703 - Upgrade Google Cloud java-function-invoker to 1.4.1
- #46704 - TestPathHelper signature change causing issue on JBeret ecosystem CI
- #46710 - Fix the keycloak devservice when using shared network
- #46711 - Do not use endsWith on Path object for string comparison
- #46720 - SmallRye Fault Tolerance: upgrade to 6.9.0
- #46730 - Add Documentation about using jsonview for request body
- #46732 - Update SmallRye Config to 3.12.3
- #46738 - Support injection of REST params into subresources
- #46739 - Allow configuring the chunk size used to consume InputStream in REST Client
- #46746 - Bump org.eclipse.microprofile.lra:microprofile-lra-tck from 2.0 to 2.0.1
- #46749 - Bump smallrye-config.version from 3.12.2 to 3.12.3
- #46750 - Bump org.eclipse.microprofile.lra:microprofile-lra-api from 2.0 to 2.0.1
- #46755 - Add documentation about
support in requests