Complete changelog
- #40374 - Error when executing persist() method with an entity having bidirectional one-to-one relationships in Hibernate Reactive with Panache
- #45948 - Removal of public method in a minor release breaking semantic versioning with utter lack of warnings or anything
- #45949 - Restore two JWT decoding methods in OidcUtils
- #46005 - Qute TemplateGlobal throws error on live reload
- #46014 - Qute: fix template global class generation in the dev mode #2
- #46035 - QuarkusTest TestProfile pollutes environment of QuarkusComponentTest
- #46039 - Upgrade to Jandex 3.2.4
- #46040 - OpenTelemetry extension traces health endpoints when a custom root-path is configured
- #46046 - Execute simple JUnit tests and
first - #46088 - Fix typo remove extra bracket
- #46099 - OpenTelemetryLogHandler - Do not read config for each publish
- #46102 - Live reload classloader memory leak when using hibernate-envers with a custom revision entity
- #46106 - Bump maven-dependency-plugin in docs
- #46107 - For synthetic injection points, target can be null
- #46108 -
(?Scoped.class) does not work in the same bean and the same scope - #46111 - Could not determine the canonical constructor when
- #46113 - Remove non-existing value "OPTIONAL", fix typo
- #46115 - Bump to Vert.x Mutiny bindings 3.18.1
- #46125 - Change timing of
events so that they can be observed from a bean within given context - #46135 - Upgrade to Jandex 3.2.5
- #46136 - Error occurs on tests with
classes and QuarkusMainLauncher - #46141 - Replace outdated hostname v1 property for keycloak dev service in shared networks
- #46150 - Overcome augmentation issue with
QuarkusMainTest - #46154 - Docs: Fix some more weaknesses
- #46156 - Reflection-free Serialization issue when first accessed vs. second access or if multiple methods
- #46170 - Configuration custom converters fail on primitive type arrays since Quarkus v3.18
- #46171 - Fix config converter loading issue when arrays are used
- #46179 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 6.6.7.Final
- #46181 - Simplify and fix building the list of framework endpoints
- #46186 - Bump io.micrometer:micrometer-bom from 1.14.3 to 1.14.4
- #46189 - Upgrade to Hibernate Reactive 2.4.5.Final
- #46190 - Bump the version of kindContainer from 1.4.7 to 1.4.8
- #46191 - Bump version of kindcontainer from 1.4.7 to 1.4.8
- #46194 - Bump to Vert.x 4.5.13 and Netty 4.1.118.Final
- #46211 - Avoid using generated Jackson serializers for subclasses
- #46219 - Bump io.smallrye:jandex from 3.2.5 to 3.2.6