github quarkusio/quarkus 3.16.0.CR1

pre-release23 hours ago

Major changes

  • #38239 - Logging OpenTelemetry extension
  • #41264 - LGTM Quarkus Dashboard
  • #41866 - Add quarkus-oidc-client-registration extension
  • #42642 - Support record parameter containers
  • #42749 - Add new AuthorizationPolicy annotation to bind named HttpSecurityPolicy to a Jakarta REST endpoints
  • #42879 - Add OIDC Client SPI
  • #42935 - Support for two or more authentications for a single request
  • #43005 - Drop the compatibility layer for the Big Reactive Rename
  • #43241 - Support @PermissionsAllowed defined on meta-annotation
  • #43283 - Introduce OidcResponseFilter
  • #43331 - Introduce per invocation override of REST Client's base URL
  • #43402 - Auto log for dev services in containers
  • #43441 - Add HTTP Access Log to Dev UI
  • #43609 - Support Keycloak Dev Service when OIDC client is used without OIDC extension

Complete changelog

  • #10435 - Misconfigured TCCL for @TestFactory dynamic tests breaks RestAssured since Quarkus 1.5.0
  • #19686 - Support constructor injection for RESTEasy Reactive multipart bodies
  • #22824 - Add jitter to scheduler
  • #23559 - Buildpack for Quarkus/Quarkus Native
  • #23883 - When using buildpack without docker running gets a meaningless exception
  • #24378 - KafkaDevServicesContinuousTestingWorkingAppPropsTestCase / PriceResourceET do not indicate recovery is tested, logs with test errors
  • #25496 - When using reactive restclient in 2.8.2.Final with Response, getEntity() returns null even if there is a body in Response
  • #27326 - MongoDB panache generates invalid update documents when updating a list or array with HQL
  • #29191 - Subscribing to CompletionStage returned by Event.fireAsync doesn't seem to work correctly
  • #30712 - Support OpenTelemetry Log signal
  • #31328 - Support for inclusive authentication
  • #32143 - OIDC document shoud update
  • #32159 - Redis client with AWS Elasticache
  • #33018 - ServletContextInitializer IT test
  • #33665 - Clarify the behavior of InstanceHandle.close()
  • #33666 - Clarify class-level interceptor binding inheritance
  • #35871 - Jackson @JsonView deserialization support for request bodies
  • #36227 - Accept-Language header not parsed correctly for language subtags, variants, extension and private subtags
  • #36228 - Use java.util.Locale to parse the languages from the Accept-Language header
  • #36336 - @CacheResult on legacy @RegisterRestClient throws CCE on 3.4.2
  • #37243 - Enhance keycloak-admin-client extension to support TLS trust and key stores
  • #37777 - Building Quarkus with Buildpacks uses Liberica as JDK
  • #38228 - Better support for APT in dev mode: Gradle part
  • #38239 - Logging OpenTelemetry extension
  • #38250 - Support for OIDC Dynamic Client Registration
  • #38814 - Memory usage increased between Quarkus 3.6 and 3.7
  • #39663 - Security - Ability to create custom permission annotation
  • #39950 - File and FileUpload result in different OpenAPI spec, upload button missing
  • #40007 - Add ability to hide rest endpoints from OpenAPI schema / Swagger
  • #40829 - dynamic default page can't handle I add a index.html file
  • #40933 - Provide default Grafana dashboards for the produced metrics
  • #41001 - Add support for the TLS registry to the OIDC Common HTTP client
  • #41037 - Bump smallrye-open-api from 3.10.0 to 3.12.0, use new builder API
  • #41067 - OIDC client set expire time for access token as configuration item
  • #41094 - Vert.x Http: application/json MIME not compressed by default
  • #41241 - LGTM extension should have a DevUI Card
  • #41264 - LGTM Quarkus Dashboard
  • #41281 - Observability Dev UI Card and Log Console
  • #41301 - Add Support for Caching List Results in Quarks Redis Cache
  • #41409 - Document removal of legacy OpenTelemetry configuration properties
  • #41429 - [hibernate-search] Support injecting runtime properties in custom IndexLayoutStrategy implementation
  • #41452 - Quarkus OIDC makes first request very slow
  • #41466 - Arc: declare a synthetic, runtime-initialized bean as eagerly initialized (if conditions met)
  • #41626 - Improve error when constructor parameters names cannot be resolved
  • #41810 - ArC: initial support for inactive synthetic beans
  • #41813 - Keycloak container consumes too much memory in devmode
  • #41827 - OIDC client: quarkus.oidc-client.enabled does not working in combinatie with @RegisterProvider(OidcClientRequestReactiveFilter.class).
  • #41830 - quarkus-oidc does not check expiry timestamp of refresh token, resulting in failed refresh call.
  • #41866 - Add quarkus-oidc-client-registration extension
  • #41887 - Response.fromResponse bug in reactive version of resteasy libs
  • #41890 - Return OIDC code flow error_code and error_description directly to the user if no error handler is available
  • #41899 - Buildpack extension not working with podman
  • #41936 - Update to latest Snowdrop Buildpack Platform Impl
  • #41944 - Auto configure prometheus scraping for lgtm dev service
  • #42101 - OpenAPI generates wrong example for URLs
  • #42117 - Add OIDC response filters
  • #42161 - Use Stork registrars in standalone way
  • #42221 - Field Name Collision and incorrect Binding of Boolean Fields When Using isX in a data class
  • #42237 - Warning about failing to index Spring class on reload
  • #42238 - Transfer-Encoding header is set twice
  • #42317 - Support APT processors in Gradle quarkusdev
  • #42330 - OIDC documentation not explaining format for realm files
  • #42353 - Kafka deserializer autodetection is not working for classes, implementing the Deserializer interface indirectly
  • #42389 - Centralize reference to UBI images (and maybe others)
  • #42422 - Elasticsearch docs update
  • #42425 - Fetchgraph does not prevent Hibernate from fetching lazy one-to-one relationships
  • #42463 - Configurable FormAuthenticationMechanism cookie Max-Age
  • #42489 - Cross-reference CDI FAQ and Gizmo in extension docs
  • #42497 - OIDC named tenants fail to recover when unavailable at startup
  • #42498 - Improve Oidc documentation of dev service
  • #42512 - Generate docker-compose.yml from includes
  • #42516 - Version parsing fails with master GraalVM built with latest Labs JDK 24 ea
  • #42525 - Create a lossy index of resource -> ClassPathElement mapping
  • #42533 - Handle GraalVM EA versions and update GraalVM version mapping
  • #42534 - Integrate GraphQL clients with the TLS registry extension
  • #42555 - Bump org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter from 5.10.3 to 5.11.0
  • #42559 - Bump org.jboss.logmanager:log4j2-jboss-logmanager from 1.1.2.Final to 2.0.1.Final
  • #42563 - Deprecate quarkus.datasource.jdbc.tracing
  • #42565 - Codestart support merging application profile yaml files
  • #42570 - Codestart support dockerfile.jvm.from override variable
  • #42599 - Fix augmentors called multiple times for each identity provider
  • #42600 - SecurityIdentityAugmentor are called multiple times with multiple identityProviders
  • #42603 - @TestSecurity with @PermissionsAllowed annotated endpoint
  • #42605 - Bump from 2.41.0 to 2.43.0
  • #42615 - Update to maven 3.9.9
  • #42618 - DevUI: Allow regex for defined allowed hosts
  • #42627 - Include the run attempt in the build-reports file name
  • #42629 - Bump smallrye-jwt version to 4.6.0
  • #42630 - Bump com.gradle.develocity from 3.17.6 to 3.18 in /devtools/gradle
  • #42638 - Bump com.gradle:develocity-maven-extension from 1.21.6 to 1.22
  • #42639 - Bump from 3.8.0 to 3.9.0
  • #42642 - Support record parameter containers
  • #42652 - Extract constants for runtime and builder images
  • #42658 - use org.bson.conversions.Bson instead of org.bson.Document in PanacheMongoEntityBase
  • #42662 - Bump resteasy.version from 6.2.9.Final to 6.2.10.Final
  • #42665 - Bump from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1
  • #42666 - Bump from 33.2.1-jre to 33.3.0-jre
  • #42667 - Bump org.apache.commons:commons-compress from 1.27.0 to 1.27.1
  • #42685 - Update Maven Surefire & Failsafe plugins to 3.4.0
  • #42686 - Update commons-lang3 to > 3.14.0 eventually
  • #42689 - Bump from 1.44.2 to 1.45.0
  • #42691 - Bump artemis.version from 2.36.0 to 2.37.0
  • #42692 - Bump com.gradle:quarkus-build-caching-extension from 1.7 to 1.8
  • #42694 - Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-invoker-plugin from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0
  • #42699 - MongoDB Panache - Consistently encode list with []
  • #42700 - Add a lot more info to the QuarkusTestResource deprecation note
  • #42704 - Add note about collection element order
  • #42708 - Extension annotation processor improvements
  • #42710 - Introduce AuthorizationPolicy annotation
  • #42720 - Bump de.flapdoodle.embed:de.flapdoodle.embed.mongo from 4.16.2 to 4.17.0
  • #42726 - Use Bson and not Document in MongoDB with Panache methods
  • #42731 - Support for collection of java.time in query params
  • #42732 - Update Kotlin to 2.0.20
  • #42736 - Config Doc - Better structure path and the corresponding env var
  • #42740 - Update commons-lang3 to 3.17.0
  • #42744 - Config Doc - Clarify how paths are handled
  • #42749 - Add new AuthorizationPolicy annotation to bind named HttpSecurityPolicy to a Jakarta REST endpoints
  • #42762 - Remove mvn.config hack for mvnd
  • #42765 - Add Jose4j static init recording to OIDC
  • #42771 - Bump from 24.4.5 to 24.4.6
  • #42772 - Return InputStream if entity is null in REST Reactive Client
  • #42776 - Rename GH labels area/resteasy to area/resteasy-classic and area/resteasy-reactive to area/rest
  • #42805 - Revert "Adding new WithTestResource annotation"
  • #42809 - Add support for string permissions to @TestSecurity annotation
  • #42812 - Added necessary basic auth option to examples
  • #42817 - Bump org.mockito:mockito-bom from 5.12.0 to 5.13.0
  • #42818 - Bump org.mockito:mockito-core from 5.12.0 to 5.13.0
  • #42834 - ArC: synthetic injection points should support @Inject @ALL List<>
  • #42836 - Drop some code related to test context from OpenApiDocumentService
  • #42839 - Remove double registration of OpenApiConfigMapping
  • #42847 - Bump from 2.30.0 to 2.31.0
  • #42852 - Change default behavior of @WithTestResource
  • #42872 - Fix typo in vale rule
  • #42878 - Add OIDC Client SPI
  • #42879 - Add OIDC Client SPI
  • #42891 - Set FormAuthenticationMechanism cookie Max-Age
  • #42892 - Qute: try to reduce the number of array allocations during rendering
  • #42893 - Quarkus fails to get GraalVM version from GraalVM CE builds based on OpenJDK instead of LabsJDK
  • #42907 - Allow multiple format and themes in the Config Doc generator
  • #42910 - Config Doc - Collect more information about source type and deprecation
  • #42917 - Include AuthenticationCompletionException messages in HTTP response in devmode
  • #42920 - Strange token generation/authentication behavior (oidc client)
  • #42925 - Bump from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2
  • #42933 - Fail if more than one OIDC JWT credential key property is configured
  • #42935 - Support for two or more authentications for a single request
  • #42938 - Add additional notes to the doc
  • #42947 - Fix Keycloak Dev service to allocate default client id and secret
  • #42949 - Clarify bean ordering when iterating over an instance
  • #42951 - Polish QuarkusClassLoader
  • #42954 - Generate Jackson deserializers
  • #42966 - Bump from 24.4.6 to 24.4.7
  • #42970 - Bump com.github.javaparser:javaparser-core from 3.26.1 to 3.26.2
  • #42971 - Bump org.yaml:snakeyaml from 2.2 to 2.3
  • #42972 - Bump from 3.9.2 to 3.9.3
  • #42974 - Polish ClassLoaderLimiter
  • #42982 - Use JDK immutable lists to reduce arity of List invokeInterface
  • #42988 - Display JUnit Tags in Dev UI (Continuous Testing)
  • #42996 - Bump io.quarkus:quarkus-platform-bom-maven-plugin from 0.0.108 to 0.0.109
  • #42997 - Update qomponent lib for Dev UI
  • #43001 - Provide an build item that communicates the namespace per deployment target
  • #43002 - Introduce KubernetesNamespaceBuildItem
  • #43003 - Qute: optimize iteration metadata access in loops
  • #43004 - Small follow-up for @WithTestResource change
  • #43005 - Drop the compatibility layer for the Big Reactive Rename
  • #43006 - Qute: improve TemplateNode/ResultNode processing
  • #43014 - Extend reflection configuration for VertX
  • #43024 - config terminal command missing
  • #43026 - Update Maven Surefire & Failsafe plugins to 3.5.0
  • #43030 - Bump org.checkerframework:checker-qual from 3.46.0 to 3.47.0
  • #43032 - Bump io.quarkus:quarkus-platform-bom-maven-plugin from 0.0.109 to 0.0.111
  • #43033 - Add cmd config back to console
  • #43034 - Injection of BrowserContext stopped working on main/999-SNAPSHOT
  • #43035 - Fix handling of @WithTestResource and Global resources
  • #43037 - Don't capture stacktraces for REST Client by default
  • #43038 - Revert "Adding os-arch specific profiles to try to reduce the number of dependencies that are pulled on each platform"
  • #43057 - Reflection-free-serializers serialization error
  • #43060 - Bump net.revelc.code:impsort-maven-plugin from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0
  • #43062 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.15.0 to 8.15.1
  • #43064 - Fix Boolean serializer
  • #43068 - Polish QuarkusErrorHandler
  • #43069 - Arc - support @All List synthetic injection points
  • #43074 - Add debugging/tracing for PublicFieldAccessInheritanceTest
  • #43076 - Configuration property to customize the directory where decompilation output gets stored
  • #43077 - Add .debugBytecode() and .traceCategories() to QuarkusUnitTest
  • #43079 - Update to SmallRye GraphQL 2.10.0
  • #43081 - Avoid an OIDC refresh token call if the JWT refresh token has expired
  • #43086 - Make Keycloak dev service independent of OIDC extension
  • #43092 - Update with JFR recommendations
  • #43094 - Add links to the OIDC Token Propagation Testing section
  • #43097 - Bump com.amazonaws:aws-xray-recorder-sdk-aws-sdk-v2 from 2.18.1 to 2.18.2
  • #43099 - Bump from 3.9.3 to 3.9.5
  • #43101 - Bump org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api from 2.23.1 to 2.24.0
  • #43106 - OidcClientRegistrationTest.testRegisteredClientDynamicTenant in integration-tests/oidc-client-registration/ fails on main
  • #43120 - Remove TrustedHosts policy from the oidc-client-registrations test realm
  • #43124 - Improve error in SimpleJsonResource
  • #43125 - Allow smallrye-health to return DOWN response compliant with rfc9457
  • #43128 - Sort the list of endpoints in the generated dev 404
  • #43129 - QuarkusUnitTest#overrideConfigKey() is ignored if the test archive already contains an "" asset
  • #43133 - Update OidcRequestFilter to use OidcRequestContext
  • #43138 - Race in getAllApplicationArchives()
  • #43144 - Update websockets-next-reference.adoc with Tenants
  • #43145 - Init allArchives set in ApplicationArchivesBuildItem constructor
  • #43146 - Make generated Jackson serializers to work with null values of boxed types
  • #43148 - Add support for the TLS registry to OIDC and OIDC client extensions
  • #43150 - Improve All Config page significantly
  • #43161 - Bump org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging from 3.6.0.Final to 3.6.1.Final
  • #43162 - Bump io.micrometer:micrometer-bom from 1.13.3 to 1.13.4
  • #43163 - Bump apicurio-registry.version from 2.6.2.Final to 2.6.3.Final
  • #43167 - Redis client list command returns empty name ("name=") when i set @RedisClientName
  • #43176 - OIDC can only use JKS keystores for creating signed JWT tokens
  • #43178 - Have HttpClientMetricsTagsContributor in addition to HttpServerMetricsTagsContributor
  • #43181 - QuarkusUnitTest: fix ignored overrideConfigKey()
  • #43184 - Change OidcEndpoint.Type for the dynamically registered client
  • #43186 - quarkus-rest-jaxb: Request body is null
  • #43193 - Bump com.gradle.develocity from 3.18 to 3.18.1 in /devtools/gradle
  • #43196 - Update develocity-maven-extension to 1.22.1
  • #43199 - Bump com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.40 to 9.41
  • #43203 - Bump from 24.4.7 to 24.4.8
  • #43205 - Add Quarkus Insights Lab MVC on Quarkus Web guide
  • #43206 - Make sure OpenAPI AutoTag add an description if missing
  • #43209 - Allow smallrye-health to return DOWN response compliant with rfc9457
  • #43213 - More robust Stream emptiness check for ServerJaxbMessageBodyReader
  • #43223 - Reflection free serializer doesn't take JsonInclude.Include.NON_ABSENT into account
  • #43225 - Config Doc: use HTML tables to be able to output markdown inside cells
  • #43226 - Bump from 2.31.0 to 2.32.0
  • #43231 - Support @PermissionAllowed for @BeanParam parameter
  • #43236 - Merge extension catalog metadata properties when merging catalogs from different registries
  • #43237 - Use prettier arrow in stack traces (to highlight the line with the error)
  • #43239 - Fix a copy and paste issue in the OIDC client registration doc
  • #43240 - Improve documentation, testing and error messages around persistence.xml and DB versions
  • #43241 - Support @PermissionsAllowed defined on meta-annotation
  • #43242 - Gradle - kotlin classes missing from the jar
  • #43243 - Document minimum-java-version extension metadata
  • #43245 - ArC: fix the situation when a framework bean uses an application decorator
  • #43253 - Bump com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.41 to 9.41.1
  • #43254 - Bump flyway.version from 10.17.3 to 10.18.0
  • #43255 - Bump com.dajudge.kindcontainer:kindcontainer from 1.4.6 to 1.4.7
  • #43256 - Bump org.apache.groovy:groovy from 4.0.22 to 4.0.23
  • #43262 - Handle subclasses for Kafka Serde autodetection
  • #43264 - Gradle fails to compile Kotlin projects since Quarkus 3.14.3
  • #43268 - Wrap the managed worker thread pool to disallow shutdown on prod mode
  • #43278 - Remove deprecated OidcRequestFilter code from the docs
  • #43282 - Documentation: Add a note related to quarkus-picocli in dev mode
  • #43283 - Introduce OidcResponseFilter
  • #43286 - Check for exceptions in threads on class loader test
  • #43288 - Emit build item when the effective ServiceAccount name is computed
  • #43290 - Using reusable workflows in Quarkiverse release process
  • #43291 - Bump org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-bom from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0
  • #43292 - Bump org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0
  • #43303 - Integrate Keycloak Admin Client with TLS registry
  • #43304 - OIDC: Support using PKCS12 keystores for creating signed JWT tokens
  • #43307 - Enum values are not displayed in extension documentation
  • #43308 - Qute: reflection fallback value resolver optimization
  • #43316 - Make it possible to set the base URL of the REST Client when actually performing the call
  • #43319 - Unable to run application with kafka-stream on aarch64 built using native builder image
  • #43320 - Redis Cache: support more complex types
  • #43321 - Add HttpClientMetricsTagsContributor for custom client request tags
  • #43322 - Bump from 24.4.8 to 24.4.9
  • #43324 - Bump org.commonmark:commonmark from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0
  • #43325 - Bump com.amazonaws:aws-lambda-java-events from 3.13.0 to 3.14.0
  • #43326 - Hibernate-Reactive: ClassCastException EmbeddableInitializerImpl to ReactiveInitializer
  • #43329 - Missing sourceSets for Kotlin in Project Descriptor
  • #43330 - Polish Vertx metrics by using records for context classes
  • #43331 - Introduce per invocation override of REST Client's base URL
  • #43333 - Qute: value resolvers cleanup and IfSectionHelper optimization
  • #43334 - mkouba quarkus-github-lottery config: add few more labels
  • #43338 - OpenAPI lose Request Body Description if '@RequestBody' comes after another annotation
  • #43342 - EnhancedQueueExecutor could disable queue limits to reduce the queue size update overhead
  • #43346 - Bump apicurio-registry.version from 2.6.3.Final to 2.6.4.Final
  • #43347 - Bump microprofile-reactive-streams-operators.version from 3.0 to 3.0.1
  • #43348 - Bump hibernate-orm.version from 6.6.0.Final to 6.6.1.Final, hibernate-reactive.version from 2.4.0.Final to 2.4.1.Final
  • #43349 - Bump io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-aws-xray-propagator from 1.37.0-alpha to 1.39.0-alpha
  • #43352 - Use ChainedLocalRepositoryManager to support -Dmaven.repo.local.tail
  • #43353 - Support injection of the @BeanParam parameters into a custom permission referenced in the @PermissionAllowed security annotation
  • #43356 - Joining the lottery
  • #43358 - Adding myself to the lottery
  • #43359 - Add Aurea to the lottery
  • #43361 - Move the index layout strategy to the Search runtime config
  • #43362 - Remove docs reference to old OTel configuration
  • #43363 - Clarify requirement of to load profile-aware files
  • #43364 - Issue with multiform data rest client on Quarkus 3.14
  • #43367 - Make all security annotations inherited; correct how Arc processes non-inherited interceptor bindings
  • #43373 - Application hangs on https=http port check failure
  • #43374 - Update OIDC client filters to check if OIDC client feature is enabled
  • #43376 - Properly fail when both http and https servers started on port
  • #43378 - Add build item for extensions to contribute ClusterRoleBindings
  • #43381 - Max frame length of 65536 has been exceeded - Quarkus 3
  • #43383 - Add Javadoc for DevMojo#jvmArgs
  • #43384 - Scheduler: introduce Scheduled#executionMaxDelay()
  • #43389 - Fix Kafka Streams flaky health check tests
  • #43390 - Add Ozan to the lottery
  • #43393 - Manage smallrye-certificate-generator-junit5 in the test BOM
  • #43402 - Auto log for dev services in containers
  • #43416 - Deprecate quarkus.datasource.jdbc.tracing
  • #43417 - Add OidcClient expiresIn property
  • #43420 - Use varargs for localRepositoryTail
  • #43422 - HTTP HEAD to @GET endpoint of (reactive) Jakarta RESTful web services sub resource returns 405
  • #43424 - Migrating to 3.13.0 results in failure on quarkus reactive routes
  • #43425 - Avoid SecurityContextOverrideHandler NPE when user provided custom JAX-RS security context and Quarkus Security is not present
  • #43427 - Improve robustness of Kafka messaging tests
  • #43428 - Dev Services not enabled given Installed features: [cdi, jdbc-postgresql, kotlin, rest, smallrye-context-propagation, vertx]
  • #43433 - Make sure OIDC issuer-based tenant resolver can recover when OIDC server becomes available after Quarkus app started
  • #43435 - Add configuration for WebSocket MaxFrameSize and MaxMessageSize
  • #43437 - Make media type optional for InputStream when using multipart in REST Client
  • #43439 - WebSockets Next: ignore non-websocket connections
  • #43440 - Support @HEAD and @OPTIONS in sub-resources
  • #43441 - Add HTTP Access Log to Dev UI
  • #43443 - Support JsonInclude.Include in reflection free Jackson serializer
  • #43444 - Add VertxContextSupport#executeBlocking()
  • #43446 - Adding an attribute for the TLS registry reference guide
  • #43453 - Add myself to quarkus-github-lottery.yml
  • #43454 - Add client parameter when creating Vertx Redis client
  • #43455 - Drop GraalVM 22.3 (JDK 17) minimum support
  • #43459 - Make sure Transfer-Encoding set by a Resource is honored
  • #43463 - Adding a conditionalized attribute for the Derby database
  • #43468 - Redis Cache: improve the API consistency
  • #43469 - Docs: Duration and MemorySize links do not work
  • #43471 - ConcurrentModificationException when Quarkus Micrometer extension is used
  • #43472 - Can't perform augmentation when using gRpc extension
  • #43473 - quarkus:update fails on Windows with quarkus-cli
  • #43474 - Improper defaults in KubernetesClientBuildConfig
  • #43475 - Inherit defaults from Fabric8 kubernetes client defaults
  • #43477 - Bump flyway.version from 10.18.0 to 10.18.1
  • #43478 - Bump org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3
  • #43479 - Bump wildfly-elytron.version from 2.5.2.Final to 2.6.0.Final
  • #43486 - Support to skip TLS verification when image is pushed for private HTTPS registries
  • #43487 - Scheduler: introduce a shared CronParser util class
  • #43488 - Reactive MSSQL Client update preview to stable
  • #43489 - Qute Generated ValueResolver for interface default methods
  • #43490 - Bump kubernetes-client-bom from 6.13.3 to 6.13.4
  • #43497 - Compress JSON and XHTML media types by default
  • #43498 - Qute: improve docs/javadoc about value resolvers ordering
  • #43501 - Use latest quarkus-spring-api
  • #43502 - OpenTelemetry instrumentation still active after quarkus.otel.sdk.disabled=true
  • #43503 - Bump org.junit:junit-bom from 5.11.0 to 5.11.1 in /devtools/gradle
  • #43504 - Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.16.1 to 2.17.0
  • #43506 - Bump scala.version from 2.13.14 to 2.13.15
  • #43507 - Bump org.jetbrains:annotations from 24.1.0 to 25.0.0
  • #43512 - Fixes issues with platforms w/o quarkus-bom and extension catalog metadata map merging
  • #43515 - Check whether a dependency has resolved paths before setting a component path
  • #43516 - Do not include dependencies that haven't been copied to the distribution into the mutable application model
  • #43518 - Mailer: default mailer beans are not registered if only mail template record is used
  • #43519 - Quiet down logs of observability DevResources
  • #43524 - Mailer: register default mailer beans correctly
  • #43526 - Docs: update the list of compressed media types
  • #43530 - Add tls-verify configuration to container-image-podman
  • #43531 - Remove deprecated RunOptions mention in the transactions docs
  • #43532 - Fixed trust all option after reload (TlsRegistry)
  • #43534 - The WebSocket Dev UI widget does not connect for nested classes
  • #43535 - Disable instrumentation according with SDK config
  • #43536 - Quarkus Update - Replace \ by / in rewriteFile path on Windows
  • #43537 - Datasource-related refactorings of tests (and some utils)
  • #43543 - Skip kafka-oauth-keycloak test with GraalVM >= 24.1
  • #43544 - Update and enable testLambdaCapturing test for GraalVM/Mandrel 23.1 for JDK 21
  • #43551 - Stacktrace container overflows in error page
  • #43552 - Add overflow-x scroll
  • #43555 - Truffle no longer needs the java.class.path sysprop
  • #43557 - Move brotli4j dependency from netty to vertx-http
  • #43560 - WebSockets Next: fix Dev UI for nested endpoint class
  • #43563 - Scheduler: document @Scheduled#executionMaxDelay()
  • #43564 - Use SmallRye Config @WithDefaults/@WithUnnamedKey for reactive datasource config
  • #43565 - Use Keycloak devservice for OIDC MTLS authentication
  • #43566 - Redis: expose new configuration options from the Vert.x Redis client
  • #43568 - Improve GitHub Actions cache usage
  • #43569 - Config Doc - Fix summaryTableId expansion for type notes
  • #43573 - gRPC RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED with quarkus.grpc.server.use-separate-server=false
  • #43574 - Update Maven Archetype Plugin to 3.3.0
  • #43583 - Generated ID token can be attempted to be verified as if it was issued by the OIDC/OAuth2 provider
  • #43585 - Check self-signed ID token when access token is verified
  • #43586 - Watch for index.html creation
  • #43590 - OIDC: Encapsulate static/dynamic tenants maps in TenantConfigBean
  • #43591 - Qute: fix reload of templates backed by build item
  • #43592 - Add note about ExceptionMapper<ValidationException> in validation guide
  • #43593 - Openapi-swaggerui guide - reference MicroProfile OpenAPI Core configuration
  • #43596 - Configure Maximum Message Size for Vert.x gRPC Server
  • #43601 - Keycloak container consumes too much memory in devmode
  • #43602 - Qute: fix generated ValueResolvers
  • #43604 - Disable locales/some testDefaultLocale with GraalVM >= 24.2
  • #43609 - Support Keycloak Dev Service when OIDC client is used without OIDC extension
  • #43610 - Bump io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin from 0.45.0 to 0.45.1
  • #43611 - Bump smallrye-fault-tolerance.version from 6.4.0 to 6.4.1
  • #43612 - Bump smallrye-reactive-messaging.version from 4.24.0 to 4.25.0
  • #43613 - Bump org.mockito:mockito-core from 5.13.0 to 5.14.1
  • #43614 - Bump flyway.version from 10.18.1 to 10.18.2
  • #43615 - Bump org.mockito:mockito-bom from 5.13.0 to 5.14.1
  • #43616 - Bump smallrye-open-api to 3.13.0, MP OpenAPI to 3.1.2
  • #43620 - Document RestResponse in rest client
  • #43623 - ArC: document InstanceHandle.close() behavior
  • #43624 - Properly test for existence of OtlpMeterRegistry
  • #43625 - Fix how OTLP protocol and port are used in LGTM, upgrade LGTM image version
  • #43628 - Undertow: UnsupportedOperationException using servlet filter in SSL
  • #43629 - Updates Infinispan to 15.0.9.Final
  • #43632 - Split Quarkiverse release into two workflows
  • #43633 - Config Doc - Expand enums even if tooltip is not supported
  • #43636 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.15.1 to 8.15.2
  • #43638 - Bump com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt from 9.41.1 to 9.41.2
  • #43641 - Apply improvements to error handler page
  • #43642 - Improve Quarkus error page handler
  • #43645 - Bump Micrometer to 1.13.5
  • #43648 - Bump jboss-threads version to 3.8.0.Final and disable queue size tracking
  • #43653 - Qute: fix generated ValueResolver for default methods with params
  • #43654 - NettyProcessor documentation and update
  • #43657 - Upgrade to gradle/develocity-actions@v1.2
  • #43658 - Adding content conditionals for the TLS guide
  • #43659 - Please update smallrye-reactive-messaging to >= 4.25.0
  • #43663 - Bump org.checkerframework:checker-qual from 3.47.0 to 3.48.0
  • #43664 - Bump org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api from 2.24.0 to 2.24.1
  • #43665 - Bump org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi:microprofile-openapi-tck from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2
  • #43667 - Bump testcontainers.version from 1.20.1 to 1.20.2
  • #43669 - Bump to Jackson 2.18
  • #43673 - Disable more tests in locales/some with GraalVM >= 24.2
  • #43674 - Reflection-free jackson serializer serializes ObjectIds different
  • #43676 - Undertow CacheResourceManager can cause frequent GC
  • #43680 - Bump to Quarkus HTTP 5.3.3
  • #43681 - JBangIntegration needs some TLC ASAP
  • #43684 - Reactive redis client, SCAN .toMulti() don't return all elements
  • #43685 - Agroal is not optional when/if we want dev services to be fired up when any JDBC driver is provided
  • #43686 - Bump from 2.32.0 to 2.33.0
  • #43687 - Bump flyway.version from 10.18.2 to 10.19.0
  • #43688 - Bump from 33.3.0-jre to 33.3.1-jre
  • #43690 - Bump io.smallrye.common:smallrye-common-bom from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0
  • #43694 - Undertow - Only load resources that are known
  • #43696 - Support getting GraalVM version at native executable build time
  • #43697 - Bump org.hibernate.reactive:hibernate-reactive-core from 2.4.1.Final to 2.4.2.Final
  • #43698 - Drop support for unsupported JDK versions
  • #43701 - Keycloak devservice restarts with every update in devmode
  • #43706 - Include proto unzip directory as proto import directory argument for protoc
  • #43707 - Change redis client scan .toMulti() behavior
  • #43708 - Bump from 24.4.9 to 24.4.10
  • #43710 - Bump apicurio-registry.version from 2.6.4.Final to 2.6.5.Final
  • #43711 - Bump io.quarkus:quarkus-platform-bom-maven-plugin from 0.0.111 to 0.0.116
  • #43713 - Bump com.gradle:develocity-maven-extension from 1.22.1 to 1.22.2
  • #43714 - Bump org.wildfly.openssl:wildfly-openssl-linux-x86_64 from 2.2.2.Final to 2.2.2.SP01
  • #43716 - Handle GraalVM 23.1 dev builds based on OpenJDK
  • #43718 - Fix faulty class loader
  • #43721 - Allow any link n Dev UI Menu
  • #43725 - Remove class loader hack in ReactiveStreamsOperatorsRecorder
  • #43727 - Clean up anonymous class loader in Undertow setup
  • #43728 - Do not set class loader twice in Undertow setup
  • #43729 - Remove Reactive Streams CL hacks
  • #43731 - Document purpose and usage of io.quarkus.arc.arquillian.DeploymentClassLoader
  • #43735 - Dev-ui ignores in endpoint scores
  • #43741 - ArC: add javadoc to Arquillian DeploymentClassLoader
  • #43742 - ArC: add proxyability validation for sealed classes/interfaces
  • #43743 - Fix add command in getting-started-dev-services.adoc
  • #43744 - Also ping Aurea for Spring issues
  • #43746 - Add missing OTLP gRPC test, simplify ports usage
  • #43747 - ArC: add validation for sealed types
  • #43748 - Deprecation of
  • #43750 - Simplification of JoinClassLoader
  • #43751 - @PostConstruct method is not being called before other methods
  • #43752 - Bump OpenTelemetry sdk to 1.42.1
  • #43754 - Bump asm.version from 9.7 to 9.7.1
  • #43755 - Bump org.mvnpm:lit-html from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1
  • #43758 - Bump org.mvnpm:lit-element from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1
  • #43759 - Document RestResponse
  • #43761 - ArC: detect incorrect PostConstruct and PreDestroy
  • #43762 - Add quarkus.hibernate-orm.database.version-check.enabled
  • #43766 - Add testcase for dynamic tests and Jackson classloading
  • #43768 - Unable to create AppCDS for PicoCLI CMA
  • #43769 - Dev UI custom side menu
  • #43772 - websocket-next api - missing user properties map
  • #43774 - Move RestClientReactiveConfig to use @ConfigMapping
  • #43775 - Qute: add Singleton scope to a Named Java record
  • #43778 - Bump org.jetbrains:annotations from 25.0.0 to 26.0.0
  • #43779 - Manage angus-mail in the bom
  • #43781 - ArC: inactive beans in dev UI
  • #43782 - Move rocksdb native library resource registration to a feature
  • #43784 - [rest-client] @RestForm does not work with a Map
  • #43785 - Add support for vhosts in RabbitMQ Dev Services topology
  • #43787 - WebSockets Next: make it possible to store user data in a connection
  • #43789 - Writing a Dev Service doc fixes
  • #43791 - Add equals and hashcode method to MemorySize configuration class to fix unnecessary Keycloak Dev Service reloading
  • #43797 - Native image builds with main print a warning about RecomputeFieldValue.ArrayIndexScale
  • #43798 - Register JBoss EnhancedQueueExecutor$RuntimeFields for runtime init
  • #43803 - ArC: add InjectableInstance.getActive() and listActive()
  • #43805 - Add to native image resources
  • #43807 - Remove actor check
  • #43809 - Introduce JBossLoggingConsumer
  • #43811 - gRPC sample test documentation for Server Auth is incorrect
  • #43816 - Quarkus 3.15.1 JAX-RS/REST builds fail with UnsupportedOperationException
  • #43823 - Bump io.quarkus.develocity:quarkus-project-develocity-extension from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6
  • #43827 - Prefer hosting-independent URL for quarkiverse docs
  • #43828 - Move brotli native library handling to a feature
  • #43832 - Cache: fix CacheInterceptor in case of non-ArC interceptor bindings
  • #43833 - Upgrade to Smallrye Fault Tolerance 6.5.0 and resolve FT methods during build
  • #43834 - Updated GRPC Server Authentication Test Documentation to use Meta.Key
  • #43839 - Bump org.checkerframework:checker-qual from 3.48.0 to 3.48.1
  • #43841 - Dev UI better reconnect
  • #43843 - Upgrade to Kotlin 2.0.21
  • #43847 - Fix rest-path in Not Found and Dev UI
  • #43849 - Support @JsonView on request body
  • #43850 - SmallRye GraphQL 2.11
  • #43853 - ArC: throw NPE when null value is used for AdditionalBeanBuildItem
  • #43855 - Properly handle Map of form params in REST Client
  • #43856 - ArC: document the @ObservesAsync pitfall with reactive programming
  • #43857 - Updates to Infinispan 15.0.10.Final
  • #43859 - Ensure that AppCDS works properly with command line applications
  • #43860 - Add test for custom serializer usage when reflection free serialization is enabled
  • #43865 - Add key property name to provide context
  • #43866 - Parameter 'value' may not be null message at Quarkus boot time.
  • #43868 - Warn when duplicate keys are used for info
  • #43870 - Bump org.jetbrains:annotations from 26.0.0 to 26.0.1
  • #43871 - Bump jboss-logging-annotations.version from 3.0.1.Final to 3.0.2.Final
  • #43872 - Dev UI: Small cosmetic fix for dynamic menus
  • #43873 - add section Mixing QuarkusTest and QuarkusIntegrationTest in getting-started-testing.adoc
  • #43875 - Qute: fix evaluation of section parameters
  • #43889 - Bump org.mockito:mockito-core from 5.14.1 to 5.14.2

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