github quarkusio/quarkus 2.7.7.Final

latest releases: 3.12.0, 3.11.3, 3.11.2...
17 months ago

Complete changelog

  • #30514 - JReleaser - Specific configuration for maintenance and preview
  • #30435 - [2.7] Set Path and SameSite Strict attributes on Form and OIDC cookies
  • #30290 - Introduce minimum-java-version and recommended-java-version
  • #30083 - Fix memory leak in Agroal local connection cache for Netty's FastThreadLocalThread
  • #29626 - Allow CORS same origin requests
  • #29569 - Bump sshd-core version to 2.9.2
  • #29552 - Fix JDBC Oracle exclude config for windows native builds
  • #29541 - Bump sshd-common version to 2.9.2
  • #29458 - Bump postgresql from 42.5.0 to 42.5.1 in /bom/application
  • #29342 - Add CORS route to DevConsole
  • #29099 - Replace deprecated properties in JReleaser descriptor
  • #28951 - Handle maintenance releases in
  • #28948 - Upgrade to JReleaser 1.3.0
  • #28645 - Manage version for Apache Commons Text
  • #28550 - Bump jackson-bom from 2.13.4 to
  • #28497 - Include minimum/recommended JDK version in the platform stream descriptor
  • #28404 - Upgrade protobuf to 3.19.6
  • #28272 - Bump snakeyaml from 1.32 to 1.33
  • #27881 - Bump snakeyaml from 1.31 to 1.32
  • #27742 - Bump jackson-bom from 2.13.3 to 2.13.4
  • #27581 - Bump snakeyaml from 1.30 to 1.31
  • #27519 - Bump postgresql from 42.4.2 to 42.5.0
  • #27409 - Complete implementation of UriInfoImpl
  • #27406 - Prevent duplicate HTTP headers when WriterInterceptor is used
  • #27397 - Bump postgresql from 42.4.1 to 42.4.2
  • #27360 - Fix how certificates are obtained in the RestClient integration tests
  • #27335 - Integration tests for RestClient require periodic regeneration of certificates
  • #27325 - Resteasy Reactive duplicates headers when custom WriterInterceptor is present
  • #27221 - UriInfo.resolve always returns null with resteasy-reactive
  • #27129 - Remove wrong LANG from dockerfile use parent default
  • #27120 - Bump postgresql from 42.4.0 to 42.4.1
  • #26775 - Delay initialization of the DefaultChannelId class at runtime
  • #26737 - Adjust some extension descriptions
  • #26681 - Strip debug information from the native executable unconditionally
  • #26515 - Upgrade JReleaser to 1.1.0
  • #26492 - Use proper header name
  • #26482 - Upgrade Hibernate Reactive to 1.1.7.Final
  • #26467 - Properly ensure that transfer-encoding is not set when content-length exists
  • #26465 - Properly initialize elements from the datasource configs
  • #26464 - Resteasy Reactive adds transfer-encoding header though content-length is present
  • #26455 - [reactive-pg-client] NullPointerException in
  • #26422 - Attempt to fix podman DNS issue
  • #26376 - Clear out OutputStream when a MessageBodyWriter throws an exception
  • #26363 - Bump postgresql from 42.3.6 to 42.4.0
  • #26357 - Allow to override the Oracle JDBC metadata for native images also on Windows
  • #26347 - Move excludes for jaeger-thrift to the bom
  • #26270 - ServerExceptionMapper with JsonMappingException exception mapper result is not used as main response but as property value in result
  • #26265 - Add some missing extension descriptions
  • #26095 - Upgrade Protostream to 4.4.3.Final following the Infinispan upgrade - 2.7
  • #26045 - Fix some typos in Maven tooling doc
  • #26026 - Add missing -deployment entries to BOM for quarkus-smallrye-reactive-…
  • #26021 - Ensure that File is properly handled in native mode in RESTEasy Reactive
  • #25973 - NoSuchMethodException in Resteasy-reactive when running in native mode
  • #25954 - Image generation failed. Exit code: 255 in windows 10
  • #25953 - Bump infinispan from 13.0.8.Final to 13.0.10.Final
  • #25949 - Ensure that @WithConverter values work in native mode
  • #25940 - MP Config Converter fails in native build
  • #25930 - Provide actionable error message when unable to bind to Unix domain socket
  • #25924 - Vert.x + listening to a Unix Domain Socket - enhance error message when native transport is not configured properly
  • #25910 - Fix the error for non-blocking multipart endpoints
  • #25909 - Misleading error for multipart non-blocking method in resteasy-reactive
  • #25903 - List Reactive Oracle Client in Hibernate Reactive guide
  • #25870 - Fix null query parameter handling in generated RestEasy Reactive clients
  • #25867 - Podman on Windows needs one /, not two // prefix
  • #25865 - NativeImageBuildRemoteContainerRunner: Podman on Windows statfs error for prepending e.g. //c/ for C:\ drive
  • #25864 - Allow updating docs for older branches
  • #25816 - [Guide] fix reactive-sql-clients startup method
  • #25779 - Bump postgresql from 42.3.3 to 42.3.6
  • #25691 - Upgrade Hibernate Reactive to 1.1.6.Final
  • #25603 - Hibernate Reactive 1.1.5.Final
  • #25285 - Normalize uri template name to be a valid regex groupname
  • #25258 - RESTEasy reactive illegally restricts JAX-RSpath parameter names
  • #24889 - Upgrade to JReleaser 1.0.0
  • #24664 - Support arrays in RESTEasy Reactive Resource methods
  • #24456 - Upgrade Hibernate Reactive to 1.1.4.Final

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