github quarkusio/quarkus 2.7.2.Final

latest releases: 3.12.1, 3.12.0, 3.11.3...
2 years ago

Complete changelog

  • #23853 - Fix out of date information about JVM debugging with Jib
  • #23841 - Out of date entrypoint documentation in container image guide
  • #23840 - Write SSE headers before subscribing
  • #23839 - Gradle: include test sources in the ApplicationModel for dev mode
  • #23835 - Upgrade to Quarkus HTTP 4.1.7
  • #23831 - Fix typo in OpenshiftConfig
  • #23830 - Don't copy static methods to CDI Wrapper of REST Client
  • #23828 - Docs - logging handlers - fix config reference links
  • #23827 - Fix JSON Serialization for multipart data containing emoji
  • #23824 - Use thread safe list
  • #23811 - BlockingRawTest is flaky
  • #23806 - Add redis host provider documentation
  • #23803 - Fix broken Kafka dev services links
  • #23801 - Make Quarkus initialization thread-safe in BaseFunction
  • #23796 - Fix example for GeneratedResourceBuildItem
  • #23792 - ArC - producers - change the client proxy class package
  • #23788 - Deploying to OpenShift via openshift extension not working in 2.7.1.Final
  • #23787 - Document redis host provider or give an example
  • #23783 - Fix Spring Data JPA case where 'First' was misinterpreted as Top query
  • #23779 - Stork documentation improvements
  • #23778 - Document toggle for disabling K8s version label generation
  • #23777 - Don't warn about missing json extension for SubResources
  • #23775 - Don't resolve the identity for @PermitAll
  • #23772 - Bump micrometer-bom from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3
  • #23771 - Spring data JPA, can't find by FirstName
  • #23770 - Document how to change the registry URL
  • #23768 - Fixed typo in stork-reference.adoc
  • #23766 - Unable to use @ClientExceptionMapper in native build
  • #23764 - Fix reading body as int in native mode
  • #23762 - RR endpoints analysis treats subresource as JSON serializable entity
  • #23758 - Disable MultiSourceProjectDevModeTest as a flaky test
  • #23756 - RESTEasy (Reactive) JSON serialization for multipart form data containing emojis is wrong
  • #23754 - Elasticsearch guide fixes
  • #23751 - Qute message bundles - fix validation of message parameters mappings
  • #23749 - Proactive auth as false doesn't work for endpoints annotated with @PermitAll and requests with Bearer Token
  • #23747 - Disable flaky testThatBlockingRoutesAreCalledOnDuplicatedContext
  • #23745 - Prevent SubResources from causing a NPE
  • #23741 - Initialize Stork after synthetic beans
  • #23738 - Bump postgresql from 42.3.2 to 42.3.3
  • #23737 - MultiSourceProjectDevModeTest is failing a lot
  • #23735 - Gradle Unit Tests Don't Work Since 2.7.1
  • #23734 - @message template fails to use #each or #for
  • #23732 - NPE in ResteasyReactiveDevModeProcessor using sub resource with RR
  • #23731 - Add support for duplicated context in the gRPC clients
  • #23726 - Updating the Service binding content
  • #23724 - Bump smallrye-common-bom from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0
  • #23721 - Fix RestClientListener discovery for Reactive REST Client
  • #23719 - Implement Context Poisoning for Vert.x contexts, and related validations in Hibernate Reactive
  • #23718 - [rest-client-reactive] RestClientListener is not called
  • #23712 - Fix setting of JAEGER_SAMPLER_MANAGER_HOST_PORT system property
  • #23711 - [quarkus-jaeger] extension's sampler-manager-host-name property can not be used
  • #23709 - Bump microprofile-metrics to 3.0.1
  • #23706 - SmallRye GraphQL 1.4.3
  • #23704 - Fix NoSuchMethodError when Temporal is used with @BeanParam
  • #23703 - Bump Gson from 2.8.6 to 2.9.0
  • #23702 - Fix gRPC blocking context
  • #23697 - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.resteasy.reactive.server.core.parameters.converters.LocalDateParamConverter
  • #23696 - Handle paths with a question mark in them
  • #23692 - Make sure DirectoryPathTree does not allow reading outside the root dir
  • #23687 - Fixed broken link in mongodb-panache.adoc
  • #23686 - Manage Guava without findbugs and listenablefuture, make sure they do
  • #23679 - Disable MultiSourceProjectDevModeTest on Java 18
  • #23675 - Ignore if stdin wasn't initialized yet
  • #23674 - DevUI console no longer responds if you enter input before it boots
  • #23673 - Fix unsafe call to unlock() in PathTreeWithManifest
  • #23671 - Add missing file extension invoking JBang
  • #23670 - Update working directory for Jib created images
  • #23669 - Add support for duplicated context for reactive routes and @ConsumeEvent
  • #23665 - Jib jvm build permissions issues
  • #23664 - Make JSON exporter's route blocking
  • #23663 - Fix mixup between getFireTime & getScheduledFireTime in QuartzScheduler
  • #23661 - Micrometer JSON registry uses a non-blocking route
  • #23658 - Fix typo in Quarkus-cli documentation example
  • #23654 - Add ability to control server backlog
  • #23652 - Add support for java.util.Map to ConfigInstantiator
  • #23650 - Register RESTEasy's ConfigurationFactory impls in GraalVM
  • #23648 - Enabled effective POM builder for quarkus:info/update
  • #23646 - quarkus:info/update doesn't handle modules defined in activeByDefault profile
  • #23642 - IncompletePostTestCase is failing a lot on Windows
  • #23641 - Update netty to version 4.1.74
  • #23638 - Fix typo in JSON snippet
  • #23635 - Docu corrections
  • #23634 - Fix NPE when running quartz in database mode and migrating from old versions
  • #23633 - Update SmallRye Config to 2.9.0
  • #23628 - Use more ConfigSources in BasicLoggingEnabler and make sure to set LaunchMode.TEST
  • #23625 - Improved warning message when a build time configuration changes in runtime
  • #23624 - Update Security NVD doc section
  • #23623 - conflict between micrometer and stork
  • #23621 - DefaultConfigurationFactory not found in Quarkus 2.7.1.Final native application with quarkus-spring-security
  • #23620 - Register MongoDB UpdateDescription for reflection
  • #23619 - Merge multiple Gradle project classes dirs into one for quarkusDev
  • #23616 - Fix erroneous JSON related warning message when returning Qute types
  • #23615 - Fixes LRA annotation in docs
  • #23614 - Document edge case about nested buildpack builds
  • #23610 - Register missing Jaeger classes for reflection
  • #23607 - Execute gRPC request processing on duplicated contexts
  • #23603 - gRPC service throw errors when using @Blocking and OpenTelemetry gRPC instrumentation
  • #23602 - Using Mongo ChangeStreamDocument in Native Image Fails Decoding On Update
  • #23598 - Fix issue with fast-jar loading of top-level directories
  • #23591 - Using Java and Kotlin mixed (with gradle)
  • #23587 - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.1.1.Final
  • #23585 - Improve the DNS lookup support in native mode for the Mongo connection using mongo:srv://
  • #23584 - Support for Maven 3.6.2
  • #23583 - Upgrade Hibernate Reactive to 1.1.3.Final
  • #23582 - Quarkus ClassLoader problem when loading a single level directory with getResource
  • #23577 - Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 6.2.2.Final
  • #23575 - Use nesting for Kafka config auto.offset.reset in Reactive Messaging codestart
  • #23573 - Confusing, if not downright wrong, warning message
  • #23572 - Small Dev UI Fixes
  • #23571 - Apply minor fixes to Panache ORM doc
  • #23566 - Bump picocli.version from 4.6.2 to 4.6.3
  • #23556 - Always use runtime config in schema management features
  • #23552 - Restrict access to some method from the Vert.x Context which are considered risky
  • #23548 - (vert.x-eventloop-thread-1) Unable to look up TXT record for host
  • #23543 - Allow users to specify the container network for integration tests
  • #23542 - Remove printing of thread id from DiagnosticPrinter
  • #23533 - Bump quarkus-http.version from 4.1.5 to 4.1.6
  • #23531 - Integration Test Container Network
  • #23526 - Fix minor spelling mistake when logging errors
  • #23524 - Fix await condition in DevConsoleUnaryMethodTest
  • #23518 - Support locales resources in native: countries, currencies, timezones, languages
  • #23517 - Quarkus' DiagnosticPrinter incompatible with GraalVM / Mandrel 22.1-dev
  • #23516 - Fix OidcClient not to lose a public client id
  • #23514 - Use docker cli instead of podman inside the native reference guide
  • #23513 - Add RoutingContext attribute to JWT SecurityIdentity
  • #23512 - Make sure classpath resource name being looked up has / as a separator
  • #23511 - ClassLoader can't find resource since 2.7.0
  • #23510 - OidcClient does not send a client id if the client is public
  • #23509 - Typo in native reference guide
  • #23508 - Lazily create gradle nativeTest task
  • #23505 - Quarkus 2.7.0: BasicLoggingEnabler requests configuration without set LaunchMode.TEST
  • #23504 - Avoid considering Kotlin.Unit as a return type
  • #23503 - Fix param converter processing in Resteasy Reactive
  • #23502 - Properly determine return type in RESTEasy Reactive methods
  • #23501 - resteasy-reactive: Wrong http status if return type is Unit
  • #23500 - Open in IDE not going to the source
  • #23498 - Add support for Test source in open in IDE in DEV UI
  • #23489 - RestEasy reactive InputStream response using wrong writer
  • #23486 - ParamConverter for query params not used in RestEasy Reactive
  • #23476 - Handling NVD reported vulnerabilities for Quarkus
  • #23470 - Fix JBang defined class Dev UI linking
  • #23457 - NullPointerException when upgrading to 2.7.0 with Quartz in JDBC_CMT mode
  • #23447 - Better error messages for not resolved platforms
  • #23445 - Hibernate post-boot schema-validation fails after upgrade to Quarkus 2.6.3
  • #23419 - Register kotlin reflection information for native image builds
  • #23414 - Resolve the model with the mojo-provided forced dependencies
  • #23406 - quarkus-config-yaml: Regression since Quarkus 2.7.0.Final
  • #23395 - Bump smallrye-common-bom from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0
  • #23387 - reactive-messaging-kafka + config-yaml - warning about unknown '"auto.offset.reset"' config
  • #23358 - Class loading fixes around CT
  • #23355 - Run ArchUnit tests using extended support for JUnit 5 in continuous testing
  • #23338 - [Native] Locales bundles, ServiceLoader flow for JDK; e.g. Frankreich vs. France
  • #23272 - Support for resolving ApplicationModel from a WorkspaceModule not backed by a POM
  • #23266 - Add List forcedDependencies(LaunchMode) to the QuarkusBootstrapMojo
  • #23124 - Use idiomatic Kotlin in REST Assured tests
  • #23001 - Link from class to IDE does not work in JBang source
  • #22815 - IllegalAccessError when using OpenTelemetry extension with custom Resource
  • #22808 - Including resource bundles for different languages doesn't work
  • #22762 - Server Sent Events delaying 200 response
  • #22479 - Quarkus Quartz: Quarkus 1.13.x scheduler is not updated in DB when updated after upgrading to Quarkus 2.x
  • #10402 - RemoteControlledSampler fails with "No strategy present in response. Not updating sampler." in native mode
  • #8479 - Kotlin reflection fails in native build in some cases that Java reflection success

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