github qdm12/gluetun v3.11.0
v3.11.0 small stability improvements

latest releases: v3.38.0, v3.37.0, v3.36.0...
3 years ago

Bug fixes

  • Unbound log lines processing (showing an ERROR where it was an INFO level)


  • Log healthcheck: passed once the healthcheck succeeds after a failed attempt
  • Unbound now serves clients from any IP address and not just localhost (access-control: allow)
  • Improved logging of DNS settings
  • s390x and ppc64le CPU architectures supported

Code maintenance

Continuous integration

  • Test, lint and build using the native builder CPU architecture only even for cross CPU architecture builds, speeding up builds from 15 minutes to about 5 minutes.
  • Change workflow structure and Dockerfile structure, 'glued' together using Docker Buildkit and target images.
  • Remove microbadger hooks for branch and release workflows
  • Dependabot for Github actions added

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