github pytorch/ignite v0.2.0
New features and enhanced contrib module

latest releases: v0.5.0.post2, v0.5.0.post1, v0.4.13...
5 years ago


  • We removed deprecated metric classes BinaryAccuracy and CategoricalAccuracy and which are replaced by Accuracy.

  • Multilabel option for Accuracy, Precision, Recall metrics.

  • Added other metrics:

  • Operations on metrics: p = Precision(average=False)

    • apply PyTorch operators: mean_precision = p.mean()
    • indexing: precision_no_bg = p[1:]
  • Improved our docs with more examples.

  • Added FAQ section with best practices.

  • Bug fixes

Now in Contributions module

Notebook examples

  • VAE on MNIST
  • CNN for text classification

Nighlty builds with pytorch-nightly as dependency

We also provide pip/conda nighlty builds with pytorch-nightly as dependency:

pip install pytorch-ignite-nightly


conda install -c pytorch ignite-nightly 


🎉 Thanks to our community and all our contributors for the issues, PRs and 🌟 ⭐️ 🌟 !
💯 We really appreciate your implication into the project (in alphabetical order):

Bibonaut, IlyaOvodov, TheCodez, anmolsjoshi, fabianschilling, maaario, snowyday, vfdev-5, willprice, zasdfgbnm, zippeurfou

vfdev-5 would like also to thank his wife and newborn baby girl Nina for their support while working on this release !

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