- 🌟 CPython 3.11 wheels are now built by default - without the CIBW_PRERELEASE_PYTHONS flag. It's time to build and upload these wheels to PyPI! This release includes CPython 3.11.0rc1, which is guaranteed to be ABI compatible with the final release. (#1226)
- ⚠️ Removed support for running cibuildwheel in Python 3.6. Python 3.6 is EOL. However, cibuildwheel continues to build CPython 3.6 wheels for the moment. (#1175)
- ✨ Improved error messages when misspelling TOML options, suggesting close matches (#1205)
- 🛠 When running on Apple Silicon (so far, an unsupported mode of operation), cibuildwheel no longer builds universal2 wheels by default - just arm64. See #1204 for discussion. We hope to release official support for native builds on Apple Silicon soon! (#1217)