github pypa/cibuildwheel 2.7.0

latest releases: v2.19.1, v2.19, v2.19.0...
2 years ago
  • 🌟 Added support for the new manylinux_2_28 images. These new images are based on AlmaLinux, the community-driven successor to CentOS, unlike manylinux_2_24, which was based on Debian. To build on these images, set your CIBW_MANYLINUX_*_IMAGE option to manylinux_2_28. (#1026)
  • 🐛 Fix a bug where tests were not being run on CPython 3.11 (when CIBW_PRERELEASE_PYTHONS was set) (#1138)
  • ✨ You can now build Linux wheels on Windows, as long as you have Docker installed and set to 'Linux containers' (#1117)
  • 🐛 Fix a bug on macOS that caused cibuildwheel to crash trying to overwrite a previously-built wheel of the same name (#1129)

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