What's Changed
Major Changes 🛠
- Rename basic "joint_logprob" functions to "conditional_logp" by @ricardoV94 in #6760
New Features 🎉
- Allow CustomDist with inferred logp in Mixture by @ricardoV94 in #6746
Bugfixes 🪲
- Fix bug in switch mixture logp by @ricardoV94 in #6765
Maintenance 🔧
- Version change in the docs installation command by @error9098x in #6752
- uncommented bambi lines by @GeoffNordling in #6749
- More informative error message for unused step sampler arguments by @jahall in #6738
New Contributors
- @error9098x made their first contribution in #6752
- @GeoffNordling made their first contribution in #6749
- @jahall made their first contribution in #6738
Full Changelog: v5.4.1...v5.5.0